Some companies sell products that are assemblies. In context assembly means that you have a main component, (always), and, that you on top of that, have several optional parts (some that are mutually exclusive - but set that aside for the moment).
when entering products in the quote calculator itself, these parts have a price, and the combined assembly will then have a total price.
However, the quote document should ideally have the main component as item one, ideally with a larger font, and the parts should be listed below in a separate section, possibly with a smaller font/colour, or some other type of visual to separate the parts from the main assembly, and the price should be a total (turn key) price.
Is the only way to do this, only possible using conditional formatting in word in the template itself, ie IF product type = MainComponent, then: etc or is there something in SO that can be used. Are there some examples that anyone can share.?