SearchEngine criteria confusion


Hello everyone,


I'm having some problems creating a SearchEngine query. I've tried changing the order and priority of the criteria blocks but can't seem to find the right combination.

What I'm trying to do:
Fetch all tickets that belong to a list of companies (38 or 2) AND matches a search text (34) either in ID or Title.

What's being returned:
1. All tickets belonging to company 38 and 2
2. Just ticket 34, which belongs to another company altogether.

How can I get ONLY tickets that match the search text AND belong to these companies?


My code:

String searchText = "34";

SearchEngine se;

se.addCriteria("ticket_customers.ticket_id", "Equals", searchText, "OR", 0);
se.addCriteria("ticket_customers.ticket_id.(ticket->id).title", "Contains", searchText, "AND", 0);

se.addCriteria("ticket_customers.customer_id.(person->person_id).contact_id", "Equals", "38", "OR", 1);
 .... potentially more ....
se.addCriteria("ticket_customers.customer_id.(person->person_id).contact_id", "Equals", "2", "AND", 1);

19. Sept. 2018 | 12:00 AM

Alle Antworten (3)


I think the problem is that the first two are at the same level without parenthesis which becomes:

A or B and (C or D)

which is ambigious. Is it (A or B) and (C or D), or is it A or (B and (C or D))?

You can solve this by setting indentation level to 1 for the two first ones, and then inserting a dummy criteria with level 0 as number 3 (e.g. " > 0"). Not very elegant, but it solves the problem.

But, we also support OperatorIn, which means you can pass in the contact_id as a comma-separated string of multiples ID's. E.g. "ticket_customers.customer_id.(person->person_id).contact_id", "In", "38,2,42,etc".


19. Sept. 2018 | 12:00 AM


I ran a buildSql on the SearchEngine and it returned the following:
where ((a0.ticket_id = N'34' or a2.title like N'%34%') and ((a4.contact_id = N'38' or a4.contact_id = N'2')))
It seems to me that these are very clearly separated as (1 OR 2) AND (3 OR 4) but I might be wrong.

On the other hand, though I don't understand why, the dummy criteria works a treat!

The IN list is also a good tip. Is there a function for turning an array into a comma separated list? I can't seem to get any help with arrays in the script editor :(

19. Sept. 2018 | 12:00 AM


I believe the buildSQL() is not entirely accurate any more... :-/

Arrays don't have a buildString method (should have), but we have an old StringArray class, Vector, which may be used:

Vector ids;


19. Sept. 2018 | 12:00 AM

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