Hi, I want to modify or to create a new Menu to the Ticket Menu.
How can i make this when it's possible ?
if you have any idea ?
Thanks Fabrice
Alles Antwoorden (12)
Hi Hampus,
thanks for your response.
I was in this screen but i don't unterstand that we can do this here.
To this new Option, can i ranking it in the middle for the other Menu ?
Can I see what is doing the other menu ?
I want to make a filtered last requests Menu...
Thanks for your help.
You can't see or edit the default options.
You can redirect to your own screens, CRM-scripts, websites etc
There is an option at the bottom to change the rank (position) so its in the middle.
It sounds like you probably should look at creating a selection for what you want and then create a menu that points towards it.
I just want to make it clear that we are no longer developing our old Service plattform and all new functonality we develop is for the New Service module.
Introducing the next generation of SuperOffice Service
We are also working with moving customers to the new Service. If you are trying to develop new functions or processes then I would recomed to move over to the new Service first and after that buld the process there. so that you don´t need to create everything 2 times, or create workflows in an old system that will not work exacly the same as in the new.
Wish you a greate week!
Hi Samuel
I'm of the cloud Version from SuperOffice. I don't know that it give a new Version.
Problem is that my firm need this new Menu yet.
How can i move to the new Version ?
Thanks for your reply
Is this possible in the new version? I can't find the functionality, and when I try to make changes to the meny using MainMenu class and it's methods, nothing happens in the system.