Duration field missing


The duration field seems to be completely missing from the new appointment screen. This field is used a lot to easily see how long a appointment was, plus determine the end date/time. 

We teach/train customers for example to fill in the start date and time in the appropraite field and how long the activity/task took in the duration field. Based on that the end date time is automatically filled in. This functionality is now completely gone.



19. März 2024 | 12:35 PM

Alle Antworten (3)

Hi, I have put in a wish to our team to consider making the duration field available and visible in the Screen Designer.

Thanks for the feedback

19. März 2024 | 01:16 PM

I have reported the same thing regarding the Duration-field, as I use it a lot. I have discussed it with Filip N and he mentioned then that it was a design decision, but I don't remember if I got any explanation to the reason for the decision.

Anyway, as the field still exists, it should be listed as a field possible to add in the GUI using the Screen Designer, but it wasn't available to choose when I tried it.

Also, even if it would be possible to add, you might want to place it together with other standard fields, which currently is placed in a content-holder that isn't adjustable. It would have been nice if it was possible to do some adjustments there as well, or something.


20. März 2024 | 09:05 PM

I see it is being worked on: https://community.superoffice.com/en/product-releases/bugs-wishes/product-issue/?bid=54385&azure=1

Hopefully this includes being able to edit the duration field, not purely show it. (so restoring the original functionality)

21. März 2024 | 08:32 AM

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