How to show fields from extratables in Find and selections?


I have created an extratable with a relation to Contact (person_id) and I am able to create a selection with a criteria from the extratable.


My question is: how can I show the column from the extratable in the selection?


When I go to the contact, I can see the field there.


Is there something I'm missing or is this part of an upcoming release of Custom Objects? At the moment it seems like I am unable to se the value when using Find and when creating a selection with the given criteria.

22. jul. 2024 | 11:29 a.m.

Alle Svar (3)

Hi Camilla,

In this case you will to base your Search on the Extra Table/Custom Object directly and now use search contact. You need to use Find "NPS" instead and then you can have multiple results from the same contact. 

Remember to check this setting in the table properties for your Extra Table:


23. jul. 2024 | 02:51 p.m.
Thanks for your reply!
By doing this it works perfectly fine if I'm basing the search on an extratable and adds extrafields from Contact in the search, but I can't make it work with UDEF-fields from Contact. They don't appear in the list of search-criterias.
1. aug. 2024 | 07:32 a.m.
Hi Camilla,

That is unfortunately a bug at the moment but something that we will solve in the upcoming releases. Thanks for your feedback! :)
1. aug. 2024 | 08:47 a.m.

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