Working with a form submission using CRM Script, before it is processed.
Hi All, We have a customer, who want to select a form submission, before it is processed, and depending on the form decide whether the flow following submission goes down the sales route (create a sale), or service route (creates a request). The obvious choice would be to have two seperate forms on the website one for sales and one for support, but for the case of this customer, the lines are muddy, so a form submission could need to take either one of these routes based on very small differences to the requirements. So ideally I just need to set a value on a field, prior to submission to say "Sales Route" or "Service Route", and then have the CRM Script fire the correct route based on which route was entered against the form submission. Now I know where is not a field in the form submission table to store this info, but I could store it in a custom object, just containing the form submission id, and the route to be taken. The issue is, I cannot see any decent way of running a CRM scipt off a form submission pre-processing. The ideal scenario would be if you could add a Task button option to the form submission record, and pass through the form submission id to the script, but this is not possible. Alternaly I thought about created a selection of unprocessed form submissions, and then use the side panel to attempt to show a basic form, based on a CRM script to show the details of the selected form submission, and then give two options based on which route to take. But whilst I know you can use the side panel when on the selection screen, I don't know if there is a way of passing through the selected form submission record, like you can do with most other entities. Is it possible to pass through the selected form submission id to the web panel, or is there another, more intelligent way that I can overcome this issue with just CRM Script. Many thanks, Trevor
5. feb. 2025 | 05:08 p.m.