ListAgent.GetAllLegalBaseAsync fails with InternalServerError


Hi, we are trying to use the SuperOffice.WebApi.Agents.ListAgent to get all legal bases using the following call:

new SuperOffice.WebApi.Agents.ListAgent(webApiOptions).GetAllLegalBaseAsync()

However, we get an error:

SuperOffice.WebApi.Authorization.Exceptions.SuperOfficeWebApiException: InternalServerError Internal Server Error
   at SuperOffice.WebApi.Agents.AgentBase.ThrowOnResponseError(HttpRequestMessage request, HttpResponseMessage response)


The following call for the GetConsentPurposesAsync method using the same webApiOptions works perfectly:

new SuperOffice.WebApi.Agents.ListAgent(webApiOptions).GetConsentPurposesAsync()

Any ideas?

23. jul. 2024 | 08:01 a.m.

Alle Svar (3)

Hi Dmitry,

Isn't what you really want are the LegalBase items, and therefore use GetLegalBasesAsync instead?

Best regards.

24. jul. 2024 | 10:58 a.m.

Hi Tony,

GetLegalBasesAsync indeed works. Does it mean that GetAllLegalBaseAsync is deprecated? It still exists in the client but is missing in the documentation.

24. jul. 2024 | 02:38 p.m.
I think it's a bug... either in the code generator... or just misconfigured in the model. The methods GetAllConsentSourceAsync and GetAllLegalBaseAsync do not have a backing implementation.

25. jul. 2024 | 10:32 a.m.

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