How to configure SharePoint Documents 2.3?


How to set up and configure SharePoint Documents

This article will walk you through 'How to configure SharePoint Documents' (Document-integration between Microsoft 365 and SuperOffice CRM Online - version 2.3)

The 2.x version includes a Self-service UI to provision/configure SharePoint as SO repository from SuperOffice Administration.

Activating 'SharePoint Online documents' makes SharePoint Online the preferred document repository for all your documents (and emails if chosen to do so) you create from now on. It wil not have any effect on already created documents. See "Step 4 - Review and confirm​" below.

Microsoft SharePoint Online have a different backup regime than SuperOffice CRM Online have!

As a platform, Office 365 is secure, but your data is not backed up in a way that most organisations require. Typically, there's only a 30-day retention period inbuilt into Office 365, and Microsoft SharePoint Online is only backed up every 12 hours, with just a 14-day retention period

As per Microsoft Online documentation "SharePoint Online retains backups of all content for 14 additional days beyond actual deletion. If content cannot be restored via the Recycle Bin or Files Restore, an administrator can contact Microsoft Support to request a restore any time inside the 14 day window. Microsoft 365 backs up your SharePoint site every 12 hours"

Setting up Office365 SharePoint Integration has 2 parts:

Requirements - Version 2.3

You can also check out our webinar about the SharePoint integration

To set it up:

  • SuperOffice Online tenant
  • Microsoft 365 for business subscription
    •  If you do not have a Microsoft 365 subscription, you have to sign up for one at Microsoft
  • A SharePoint document library (for storing documents)
  • If you want to enable group access on SharePoint documents based on "Visible for" settings in SuperOffice
    • Need access to 'Global Admin' rights in O365 (to be able to authenticate SuperOffice as a trusted app in your MS 365 solution)
      • Either during setup
      • Or send a link to someone who is

To use it

Note on Version 2.3 !
Support Word, Excel, PowerPoint documents, PDF and some image-formats.
* Support for arching emails to SharePoint and opening arhived emails from SharePoint.
* No support for migrating existing documents in SuperOffice archive (SO cloud) to SharePoint. If this is a requirement, you must wait for a later version.
* No support for migrating existing CloudOffice customers (version 1) to 'SharePoint documents 2.0'. Must wait for later version. 
* No support for moving a documents to other SharePoint "sites", only within the same site.


How to setup Microsoft 365 SharePoint folders

How to create a site and a document library in Microsoft 365 SharePoint

The setup of the SharePoint site and document libraries are quite flexible, but we recommend to create a separate SharePoint site for your SuperOffice Documents, and 2 document libraries: one for documents and a separate document library for templates. 

Step 1 - Create a SharePoint site in your Microsoft 365 SharePoint 

Step 2 - Create a document library for documents in your SharePoint site

Step 3 - Create a document library for templates in your SharePoint site


 Create a SharePoint site in your Microsoft 365 SharePoint

If you plan to use "Visible for"

We recommend to set up the SharePoint site with a Microsoft 365 "service user", to avoid normal users (personal) / SuperOffice users do not have owner-rights.

See "Reference: Information on permissions in SharePoint​" for more information. 

  • Open Microsoft 365 and log in
  • Open SharePoint from the menu
  • Click 'Create site'


  • Choose the type of site you'd like to create. Learn more
    • Choose 'Team site'
  • Fill in the name of the site
  • Choose privacy settings according to how you like it


  • Click "Next"
  • Click 'Finish'




Create a document library for documents in your SharePoint site

  • Open the site you created in step # 1

  • Click 'New' and select 'Document library'

  • Type a name for the new document library for your SuperOffice documents
    • We recommend 'SuperOffice Documents'
  • Click 'Create'




Create a document library for templates in your SharePoint site

  • Open the site you created in step # 1

  • Click 'New' and select 'Document library'

  • Type a name for the new document library for SuperOffice templates
    • We recommend SuperOffice Templates
  • Click 'Create'



How to configure settings in SuperOffice Admin

The configuration in the SuperOffice Admin is point-and-click. This is part i primarely to select the values already created in the first part.

Admin Client​

You select your Document library in Admin: ​

Default is SuperOffice document library, and you can change that to SharePoint​

When you are configuring your new document library, Admin will show an intermediate state. ​

When you are finished and have confirmed that you will use SharePoint, the state in Admin changes to Microsoft SharePoint Online. ​

It will be possible to change some of the settings in the Wizard later​


Configuration wizard - general about the Wizard​

  • The wizard has 4 steps:​


  • Each of these steps must be filled in completely before you can move to the next step. The “Next step” button will be disabled until you have finished the step. ​
  • IF the “Next step” is disabled, you will have a “Save and Close” button, which allows you to save your settings so far and return to finish the configuration later. ​
  • You will also have a “Previous step” button to take you back one step. ​
  • You can also use “Discard changes” which means all your changes will be discarded. ​


Step 1 – Sites and Folders​

​SuperOffice documents - location, folders and filenames​

  • Site in SharePoint: Just choose your site from the dropdown. You must have permission level Owner to be able to select one site?​
  • Document library: Select from the drop-down​
  • Folder structure: You can select between ​
  • User group, Author, Template type, Company name and project​
  • You can also organize the folders in Yearly subfolder​
  • Filename: Select between Heading or Heading - Company name​

SuperOffice document templates – Location​

We recommend that you Use SharePoint to store your new document templates, then you will be able to use Office Online to edit them​

  • Just select Site in SharePoint and Document library from the dropdowns ​



Step 2 - Document properties​

Select "SuperOffice documents fields" to transfer as SharePoint document properties​

We recommend that you select all here. These fields will appear as columns in your SharePoint Document Library​

  • Based on these fields you can create views in your SharePoint document library​
    • And you can choose to hide some of these fields there​
    • In order to maintain changes to documents in SuperOffice, we must store the ID of the fields. You can hide these columns in your SharePoint document​
  • You can also search and group by these fields in SharePoint. ​



Step 3 - Groups and access​

​Enable group access on SharePoint documents based on "Visible for" settings in SuperOffice​

  • If you plan not to use Visible for, you leave this ticked off​
  • If you plan to use Visible for, you tick this on – and follow the next steps. ​


Enable group access on SharePoint documents based on "Visible for" settings in SuperOffice ticked on​

  • In order to set permissions on documents in SharePoint, we need to have Read Write permission to selected site. Only Microsoft 365 Global Administrator can authorize this permissions. This is a one-time authorization and will only include the site you have selected for your SuperOffice documents. ​
  • If you are a Microsoft 365 Global Administrator, you can authorize now – if not, you must Copy the URL and send it to someone with that role of Microsoft 365 Global administrator in your organization. ​
  • That user also needs to be in the owner group of the site (needs owner permission to the site in order to set Read Write permission)​

If you wait for an authorization, you can press Save and Close and return to your settings later. ​


If you wait for an authorization, and return to the Wizard, this page will be shown. ​

You can also “Check status again” to see if Microsoft 365 Global administrator has authorized the app. ​

As soon as someone has authorized the SuperOffice app, you will see the next page and will be able to map your SuperOffice user groups to AD-groups within your document library. ​


When the SuperOffice app has been authorized, you can map your SuperOffice user groups to AD-groups within your document library. ​

All SuperOffice user groups needs to be mapped before you can move to the next step. ​

See also: "Reference: Information on permissions in SharePoint​"



Step 4 - Review and confirm​

​Read carefully and make sure you have the correct settings. When you are sure – push Confirm​


  • When you have confirmed, you will not be able to change these settings: ​
    • SuperOffice documents​
      • Site in SharePoint​
      • Document library​
    • SuperOffice document templates​
      • Site in SharePoint​
      • Document library​​





Next: start using the integration:

Webinar: demo - use the integrationWebinar: demo - how it looks in SharePoint

24. feb. 2022 | 11.21 AM

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