Limited Lists in new Service Module



in Screen we can define how the List should be displayed, which fields, how limited and sorted, and it works fine.

But now in new Service Module with ScreenDesigner, it looks there is no possible to define such limited List for Tickets.



28. nov. 2023 | 03.06 PM

Alle Svar (8)

Hi Jianchun,

At the moment we don't have these options in the New Service. We are using the Screen Designer to create Custom Screens and you can have different screens based on User Group or Request Type.

29. nov. 2023 | 04.10 PM
Hi Mikael, ok, thanks!

Hi dear Support Colleague,

I will pick up this Request again about the Features in new Service Module:

in my last Posts (see above), it was comfired by Mikael, at the moment in new Service Module there is no Option to configure a List (Limitation, Sorting, Display with more fields). In old Service Module with "Screen" there is posible to configure this (see above in Screenshots). So I can define a Project-List to Ticket, only not completed Projects should be listed, and with additonal Fields "berechnungsfähig" helps User to select one List-Emepemt. The results looks fine by Searchwords "superoffice" in List like here:

But in new Service Module all List elements will be completely listed without any Configuration, So I see another not desired results here:


Addtional, there is no Possible to rename the Tickets Standart-Label for Example Tickets Owner. This Possibility in old Service Module in "Profile" is not for new Service Module.

We hope These Points could be focused, bucause based on SO Roadmaps, the current old Service Module will be covered with new Service Module in any Time no matter wether we still hesitate to update this till now.


Many Thanks for your Support!


- Jianchun

25. mar. 2024 | 10.05 AM

This is a much needed functionality !! 
Customers who have custom screens will hesitate to migrate/upgrade due to this functionality not being present.

9. apr. 2024 | 03.07 PM
Hi Ummair, as mentioned in the following post:

I would like to suggest that you have a look at "triggered dialogs", which allows you create custom logic(s) in a "step by step" guidance. Although different than the solution in old service, it is very much worth checking out!
9. apr. 2024 | 03.37 PM

Hi Bas,

Thanks for the Solution with "triggerd dialogs" for enhanced EventData to get interactive Dialog with User, and also the ScreenDesigner is a very improved Function in new Service Module. 

But they cannot cover our all current Solutions in old Service Module yet. We have for example Lists in user-defined Table with "disabled" fields like other SO Lists, we cannot ask user to show me only enabled List elements.

Also i find the Technology with "Custom Screens" in old Service Module is very useful, with that i have developed a custom Screens for Collective Sales if a Sales is participated with more Stakeholders with diff. Roles, they shared the Sale Amount.

The shared Amount is also stored in User Table in Relation to Sale_id and Stakeholder_id then the Sale as Order with shared Amounts will be transfered to our SAP. This Solution cannot be replaced with ScreenDesinger.

Threfore if SuperOffice have not complete alternative Solution for Custom Screen, pls. keep parallelly old Service Module for us.

Thanks a lot!


10. apr. 2024 | 11.13 AM
Hi Jianchun,

The custom screens that you are showing here should not be a showstopper for converting to the new service solution. Custom screens will still be available and should not change (especially when not linked to a different entity such as the sale card you are showing here). You just need to take into account the URL's in your custom screens which might be related to old service URL's
10. apr. 2024 | 11.31 AM

Hi Bas, Thanks for your Confirmation to keep Custom Screens in new Service Module. Sory, it was my misunderstanding that it will be removed. We consider for Updates in new Service Module.

10. apr. 2024 | 11.40 AM

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