How do I access administration part (Settings & Maintenance) in SuperOffice CRM?

Opdateret om 28. mar. 2022

How do I access administration part (Settings & Maintenance) in SuperOffice CRM?

To be able to access Setting and maintenance your SuperOffice user has to belong to the user group, which has administration functional rights. Please check this FAQ, to learn more about how to configure access rights in your SuperOffice.

When your user has the necessary rights you can access the administration part by clicking on the button   at the top right corner of the SuperOffice screen and selecting Settings and maintenance from the drop-down menu.


  1. From SuperOffice 8 full administration module is web-based (accessible only via the browser).
  2. To learn how to use the administration module in SuperOffice CRM, you can check our video tutorials or articles.
  3. The URL examples to access administration module are:
  • For Onsite: [Your installation URL]admin/default.aspx?
  • For Online:[YourCustID]/admin/default.aspx?

If you don't know URL to your SuperOffice Web installation contact your company's IT responsible. 

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