Send e-mail invitation to attendees. Internal and external?



Could you help to clarify how this new option works in new follow up. Previously you could select who should recieve an email alert.

Now it seems that its all participants. Internal and external recieves an email?

Before you would normally not e-mail alert internal users. Since they were already alerted in the SuperOffice calendar.

Or you would choose to alert internal users also by e-mail


Previously you would select who would get the email. And if someone was added to the meeting later, you could choose to only email the new participant. And send the invite without all participants recieveing a new email.

We have done some testing at it seems that there are differences in internal and external alerts. Probably with the same logic as before, but the new checkbox send to all attendees is new. And it would be nice if you could clarify about this topic.

26. feb. 2024 | 08:14 a.m.

Alle Svar (1)

Hi, Currently, it's all or nothing for invitations. Either everyone will get an email or no one will, depending on the checkbox of course. 

We did try to create a more flexible solution, but technical constraints in the new system made it challenging, and the potensial solution seem confusing, so we went with the all or nothing solution. 

The apperance of an e-mail will be different depending on if it is an external recipient or an internal (basically the same logic as before) due to icals and such.

However, your feedback is important, and it is not the first time I have gotten this questions, so I will keep in mind as we continue to refine the system.
Hopefully, we can find a solution down the line, if it continues to be strugglesome.

Thank you!

19. mar. 2024 | 10:42 a.m.

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