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Did you get stuck with the setup of SuperOffice CRM? Do you need inspiration on how to automate the work process or simply get more of your solution? Here is the place to post questions, share tips and workarounds and help others.

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Is screen designer for the document dialogue on its way?

Hi, Is the document dialogue by any chance to be added to the screen designer? Best regards, Jan
Jan Bonde
2. juli 2024 | 10:52 fm
Settings and maintenance

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by Jan Bonde
2. juli 2024 | 01:38 em
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Udefs on Sale missing/invisible in Settings

this is a SuperOffice CRM OnSite 10.2 Release_OnSite_10.2.1_2023.01.31-02 I received a call after quite a long time since last that my contact wanted to add/edit some udefs on a sale card. Note below for current page in regular program:   However; switching to settings, there are no visiblle fields:     Thre are however visible fields as it concerns the company udef page:     suggestions welcome.


Eirik Simonsen
4. juni 2024 | 05:43 em
Settings and maintenance

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Most likely, to be able to add any other field you will need to remove 1 number field.
by David Hollegien
7. juni 2024 | 09:36 em
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Lägga till kontaktintresse på ny användare/ Add contact interest on new contacts

När man registrerar ny användare endera direkt i systemet eller lägger till via arkivering av ex mail vill vi få en fråga om att lägga till kontaktintresse på personen. Ofta missas detta idag och kontakter registreras utan intresse vilket gör efterarbete större med att uppdatera i efterhand. //Per-Erik Ålander/Christian Berner AB   --------------------------- When registering a new user either directly in the system or by adding them through email archiving, we want to prompt the user to add contact interests. This step is often overlooked today, resulting in contacts being registered without any specified interests, which increases the workload for subsequent updates. ---------------------------

Per-Erik Ålander
22. maj 2024 | 07:14 fm
Settings and maintenance

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Hi Erik, You could create (or ask a consultant to) a custom CRMScript dialog in CRM when saving a new person asking to enable certain interests. This dialog then will show up when creating a new person from CRM WEB or through Mobile CRM. It isn't possible to show any dialog/prompt when creating them through Mail link when archiving an e-mail.
by David Hollegien
23. maj 2024 | 08:35 fm
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Ignore certain companies when duplicate e-mail

Hi,   We have our customers synced from our ERP and certain companies have users with same e-mail address ending up that requests are created on wrong comapny. Until we can change the syncronization and make sure this do not happen, is there a way in SuperOffice dtoo "disable" and make sure request is created on correct company? Thanks!
Johan Friberg
8. maj 2024 | 06:50 fm
Administrator forums
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Inline images as attachments

In replies to Requests/tickets, is there a way to send inline images as attachments instead of an url to the image on the superoffice server? This is how the raw html body of a response look now. I would rather have the <img> tag point to an attachment in the email.  


Snorre Garmann
25. apr. 2024 | 10:54 fm
Settings and maintenance
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Suggestion For Companies With Multiple SAINT Images Applied To Them

Hi there, Some companies/contacts/sales etc will fall under multiple SAINT categories. When visualising this, it will display the highest priority image on the company card. I think it would be great to expand SAINT visualisation possibilities with Screen Designer - by making a SAINT Image Visual element. From here you could select which SAINT image appears, and maybe you could draw out with a square tool where you want the image to apply, or be able to move it freely The idea being that you could have a SAINT image in the centre as well as one smaller one next to the company name, etc..  


Adam Gardner
12. mars 2024 | 01:54 em
Settings and maintenance
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How to add Quote format template to a quote

Hi! New to working with Quotes and trying to get it to work to send my first test quote, but I am stuck:  I am (desperately!) trying to add a quote format template to a quote I want to send/publish. I have got everything set  up including the actual quote template, but when I click the SEND button to open the send popup-window, I am missing a value from the quote format dropdown: I have searched far and wide in the forums, user guides and documentation and I cannot find anywhere which shows you how to add/edit/maintain this kind of template. The closest I get is to a mention of its existence: under this section: Any help is greatly appreciated!   Best Regards, Henrik
Henrik Povlsen
21. feb. 2024 | 07:32 em
Settings and maintenance

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Hi Giedre, Thank you so much for your suggested reading - I will go check them out. Still lots to explore regarding Quote. Best Regards, Henrik
by Henrik Povlsen
22. feb. 2024 | 06:26 fm
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why jobs executed two times?

Hi, In Background we have implemented that SO Ticketsystem is not only System for our IT Service & Support, but also Billing System, each Ticket is a receipt for the Billing to our different Customer. At Beginning of each Month we send a group of Tickets for our monthly Billing of last month to them. in CRM Scripts this is two level Scripts, in Basic Scripts the single Tickets with all Message will be copied, in second Scripts where this Basic Scriptsc be called, an array of Tickets will be defined then copied and will be running in monthly scheduled Tasks. This Basic Scripts is also multiple called if user copy his single Tickets, and the Jobs for Copy array Tickets runs for several Months fine. Now the Issues is, at begging of this Month (Feb.), the Jobs for Tickets was double executed, that means, our all Customer receive his double Billings. You see here the monthly Jobs is scheduled to excecuted at first day of each Month at 10:00, but the last Execution is at 10:19: In fact all Tickets were double copied in Ticketsystem, once at scheduled 10:00, once at 10:20. I have asked our local SO Support in Germany, they sent me the Protocol: An exception occurred in script: "Start Recurring Tickets_monthly_Seidemann for Jobs" in include script: "copy_Recurring_tickets" at: line 60, char 3 Original exception: EjScript::RunTimeException: Script is taking too long to execute. Execution time: 121.12, User CPU time: 7.31 at "copy_Recurring_tickets", line 60, char 3   called from copyTicket(), declared in "copy_Recurring_tickets", line 3, char 6  That means, the Jobs was double executed since its long Execution. But I don't unterstand, why long executed Jobs has two times excuted. Normally if Timeout was triggert, it should be stopped. Actually we have 32 Tickets in this Array to monthly Copy, and each Ticket has only one Message only with Text, each Tickets Copy lasts about 3-7 Sec. depends on connection. May be I need your Advice, if I break this long Jobs down in more Piece, for example, each Jobs copy no more then 10 Tickets, and the Execution time is nights at 3:15 then after 20 Min. for next Jobs to Copy next Array Tickets. 15 Min. for Lock Time and 15 Min. for Min. before Restart after Error should be enough.  Will it e OK to avoid later such Issues in Jobs? many Thanks!  
Jianchun You
19. feb. 2024 | 11:42 fm
Setting up and administrating Service

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Hi david,   Ok i will do what you suggested. Here is the current second-level Scripts which is scheduled in Tasks below in Screenshots. it will be started monthly on first calendar day. I will limit the numer of Tickets in Array in each Scripts so that it dosnot hit the Task Limit, that means I will allocate all Tickets to be copied in more second-level Scripts then schedule them in more jobs to be started in each hour Distence, and setup the Traces for all second-level Scripts. Thanks!
by Jianchun You
20. feb. 2024 | 10:27 fm
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Mandatory fields blocking even when not in layout

Dear, I use three differents sales layout for different product lines. One of the product line requires specific mandatory fields to be filled out, the other ones don't. If I want to use a different layout, I cannot save my sale as the mandatory fields (which are not in the actual layout) are not entered. How to solve this?


Roger Simon
13. feb. 2024 | 07:33 fm
Settings and maintenance

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Hi Donatas, Thanks for the input, I've contacted the Support and it seems it's a known bug. Kind regards, Roger


by Roger Simon
14. feb. 2024 | 02:03 em
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Who sent the mailing?

Hi When you create a mailing, in the first step, “1 Setup”, you have the option to select “Always use”, “Use our contact where specified, otherwise use:” or “Use our support contact where specified, otherwise use:” in the From field. How do you know which option was selected after the mailing has been sent? How do you know who sent the mailing to each participant? ie. was the Our Contact used and if so who was it? I'm guessing at least the first question must be stored somewhere (in the database?) since you often choose to send the mailing at a later date and time but I can't find the setting anywhere, unless it is an undocumented flag, maybe in s_shipment? Any assistance gratefully received!


Chris Massen
1. feb. 2024 | 04:38 em
Settings and maintenance