Lägga till kontaktintresse på ny användare/ Add contact interest on new contacts


När man registrerar ny användare endera direkt i systemet eller lägger till via arkivering av ex mail vill vi få en fråga om att lägga till kontaktintresse på personen.
Ofta missas detta idag och kontakter registreras utan intresse vilket gör efterarbete större med att uppdatera i efterhand.

//Per-Erik Ålander/Christian Berner AB


When registering a new user either directly in the system or by adding them through email archiving, we want to prompt the user to add contact interests. This step is often overlooked today, resulting in contacts being registered without any specified interests, which increases the workload for subsequent updates.

22. maj 2024 | 07:14 fm

Allt Svar (2)

Hi Per-Erik,

I’ve added an English translation of your message so that other customers and partners can read it and provide assistance or seek help from this thread.

22. maj 2024 | 07:22 fm

Hi Erik,

You could create (or ask a consultant to) a custom CRMScript dialog in CRM when saving a new person asking to enable certain interests. This dialog then will show up when creating a new person from CRM WEB or through Mobile CRM.

It isn't possible to show any dialog/prompt when creating them through Mail link when archiving an e-mail.

23. maj 2024 | 08:35 fm

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