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All conversations (168)

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Social Media Icons Update

Upload Bluesky Icon as additional option in social media buttons for footers in newsletters, etc.


Ilse Hildbrand
17. dec. 2024 | 10:50 fm
Service management

Senaste svar

Hi! Ilse.   Thak you for your input,    I will forward this to development.   
by Samuel Holmström
4 h, 55 m sedan | 02:10 em
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Service and screen utilization

Hi We really like the new service and the capabilities to connect everything way better than before. There is however one thing that is a struggle, we often need to work on our laptops and here it seems like the screen isnt really utilized and this has not changed with the new UI update. The problem is that the "request properties" in the right side take to much room and likewise the top bar since we have it displaying important additional information. I'm wondering if there is a method to be able to show / hide those 2 displays to get more rom for working with the content of the case?   Also, are we the only ones with this problem?   Best regards Ole  
Ole Ejlersen
17. feb. 2025 | 11:50 fm
Service management

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Hi Ole.    Thak you for this feedback.  I have seen lot of customers trying to "mimic" the old Service by adding lot of informaiton at the top of the screen, but often miss the key tool for this.  "Grids" So insted of adding information in one long list like this: You can use the space lie this:     And also use the top right corner next too the favorit.  You can also use different screens for different teams or types of requets.  This can help you remove data that is not needed for everyine or for every task. 
by Samuel Holmström
4 h, 57 m sedan | 02:09 em
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How to export all contact and emails?

Hello, I am wondering if you could help me because I do not understand the logic behind Selection. When I looked for ALL the contacts, I expected their e-mails to be filled in... but most are empty on the Results screen. When I look into the contact itself, it is there. So why? I truly hope that someone can advise me.   Thanks.   Terry


Terry Wong
5. feb. 2025 | 04:28 em
Core CRM features

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Hi Terry, If "Company - Country" is your only criteria, then your selection results will be one of only companies. If you would like to see all contacts (persons) then you need at least one contact criterium. This could be "Contact - Full name starts with % ". And as Øivind mentioned, there are 2 E-mail columns, one for company and one for contact. Make sure to add the Contact - E-mail column if you want to see the e-mail addres of the contacts.
by Gérard van de Castel
10. feb. 2025 | 10:08 fm
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SuperOffice Mail Link was unable to connect to the Outlook process.

With CRM Sales > Activities -> right click document and select "Send As Email" It always fails with an error: "Superoffice Mail Link was unable to connect to the outlook process. Please restart Outlook if it is running." Whilst the current task seems to be "- Creating new email" This happens after the mail link balloon has run through several tasks, and opened Outlook itself correctly if it was not open. Happens on Windows 10 or 11 mail link / Web tools-2024.05.16-03 ( Outlook Microsoft Outlook Version: 1.2025.109.100 (Production) Client Version: 20250110003.19 WebView2 Version: 131.0.2903.146 Microsoft 365 account Have reinstalled both Outlook and web tools Have enabled logging for Webtools in Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\SuperOffice\DocLink But the log doesn't contain any useful information about the new email task. Any ideas to get running again?


Tim Welford
21. jan. 2025 | 03:12 em
Core CRM features

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Yes, we use that to get content from office, into SuperOffice, but I don't think (and cannot see in that documentation) anything about restoring the functionality of sending documents stored on Superoffice via email in the same way.  Have I missed something?


by Tim Welford
23. jan. 2025 | 11:13 fm
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Trigger after save projectmember by delete

Hi, why the trigger doesn't be activated by projectmember delete ? I want to mahe something by delete projectmember. And i can refresh the project panel after the trigger by projectmember add ? I have changed a udef value but the project panel muss be refresh. Thanks for your response. Fabrice


Fabrice Reithinger
7. jan. 2025 | 09:51 fm
Sales management

Senaste svar

Hi, thanks for your answer


by Fabrice Reithinger
10. jan. 2025 | 10:36 fm
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Tags in export

When I try to export something from SuperOffice to Excel, the tags are exported as numbers. So for example, the first tag is 'Contamination', in the export it's shown as '1'.  Is there any way that I can change this in the settings that the tags are exported as the full name instead?


Kirsty Jongeneel
10. jan. 2025 | 06:53 fm
Service management

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This is a bug, see: Export to Excel - "Service Tags" are not exported properly and Tag IDs exported to MS Excel shown in column as number not text Sadly, there is no easy workaround available. Only solution here would be to create a custom field on the request and fill that automatically with the names of the linked tags, but that would require a consultant.
by David Hollegien
10. jan. 2025 | 10:16 fm
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Add or Modify Menu to Ticket

Hi, I want to modify or to create a new Menu to the Ticket Menu. How can i make this when it's possible ? if you have any idea ? Thanks Fabrice


Fabrice Reithinger
2. maj 2024 | 06:22 fm
Service management

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You can not manipulate the "Task" button in a result list, but you can manipulate the 'right click' tasks on a result list (with the Task as mentioned). MainMenu class only is available for old service client, so you will not find your answers here. It all depends on what you are trying to achieve, but I am quite confident that all (new) possibilities will allow you to find a constructive solution. If not please contact your local consultancy team so they can assist on this topic.
by Bas Kreijveld
3. dec. 2024 | 08:59 fm
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Folder structure in imported documents

Wish . We use a lot of imported documents in projects. Using a "MultiUpload" script created by SuperOffice for this. Works great. Sorted by date and type, but can be several 100's within each. We wish it would be possible to structure documents in folders created by us in the project document view. It would provide a much quicker way of navigating between documents in projects.


Frode Kent Røkenes
13. nov. 2024 | 07:06 fm
Core CRM features

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Hi Frode, glad to hear that Activity Folders is working well for you! 🎉 You might also find some helpful tips and tricks in our Knowledge Base – definitely worth a look for getting the most out of it. Here’s a quick link: Quick-start guide for SuperOffice admins . Enjoy exploring!
by Pierre Van Mever
14. nov. 2024 | 02:41 em
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How to get ActivityList from a Sale

Hi,  I use crm scripts to get all Documents & Emails from a Sale with Links for Download the Document & Emails, but I don't find any methods for this.   Thanks for Helps.
Jianchun You
6. nov. 2024 | 03:27 em
Sales management

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ok, i try to get this list with SearchEngine.
by Jianchun You
8. nov. 2024 | 07:43 fm
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How to catch Error Message from crm scripts

Hi, I have implemented Logic for Sales in a long crm scripts, By Running the Logic it posts me Error Message: the entered number is not a valid number: This Error Message was not defined by me in scripts. It comes then next Message with "OK to create order in SAP", this is my Message for positive Confirmation, that means the Logic go on runing after that Error Message. Could someone tell me how could I catch this Error Message in crm scripts?   Thanks a lot!
Jianchun You
17. okt. 2024 | 01:27 em
Sales management

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Hello Jianchun,  We always recommend developers use try/catch when writing code, and you can elevate your developer experience by adding the logging helper-method to produce logs that are easier to navigate through. Example usage: #setLanguageLevel 4; #include "lib-log"; //This is the log-helper-method-library, but you can include this in your code directly if you want String mainMethod(){ return "foo"; } try { String bar = mainMethod(); } catch { printLine("Exception caught: " + error); printLine(" " + errorLocation); log(406, 5, "Exception caught: " + error, " " + errorLocation); // Uses the logger-method from the include } The try/catch will mean your code will no longer crash, and you can catch the error and/or even implement notifications.  I also recommend you look at the option to activate trace on your script, but check the box "Only save if there is an unhandled exception" and use `forceSaveTrace(true)` in your catch-block. Have a SUPER day! //Eivind
by Eivind Fasting
29. okt. 2024 | 07:44 fm