Product roundup May 2022: Caller identification

Publicerad av Erik Reijrink, 12. maj 2022

This month's product update includes a new feature for identifying who’s calling, a new way to present address details on company cards, and how to automate manual processes using a script and a button on the company card.

Hi and welcome to the Product roundup for May 2022.

In this month’s Product roundup, you will learn about three newly released features:

  1. Caller ID in Mobile CRM
  2. Add a button to your company card to run CRMscripts
  3. Two ways to show the address line

Caller ID on Mobile CRM

Your phone: Buzz, buzz.
You: Hmm, who’s this? I don’t recognize the number. Should I answer the call, or not?

When you’re on the phone a lot, not everybody you call will answer their phone. So, when they call you back, you don’t know who is calling - OR whether you should answer the phone or not.

With the new Caller ID feature on Mobile CRM, you won’t have this problem again. If the person calling is registered in SuperOffice you’ll immediately be able to see who’s calling you. In a glance, you can decide whether to answer the call or not.

The Caller ID feature will make your calls with prospects and customers more personal. When you answer the call, you can start your conversation with:

“Hi John, thanks for calling me back!”

How to get started with Caller ID

Add a button to your company card to run CRMscripts

In SuperOffice, you can use CRMscripts to automate specific manual tasks, which will save users time when creating new documents, activities and sales opportunities for example.

You can now enable your CRM users to start scripts from SuperOffice company or contact cards. By adding a new button that runs a CRMscript when clicked, the script can automatically perform an action for the user so they don’t have to do this manually.

To get started with this feature, make sure to contact your SuperOffice representative.

A new way to present the address line on a company card

When editing the layout of the company and contact card, you now have two options for presenting address details:

  1. all the address details on multiple lines, so you have all the details visible
  2. or as a single line to save space (new and the default setting).

Tip: Administrators can edit the address line layout in Settings and maintenance module. Under Screen Designer, open the Edit layout dialogue. In this dialogue, click on the address line and SuperOffice will open the Settings section, where you can choose how you want to show the address line. Check the box Show in expanded mode to use the new multiple line layout.

Available resources