How do I send a SuperOffice Mail Link log file to SuperOffice support?

Uppdaterad på 29. dec. 2023

I have problems with the SuperOffice Mail link and SuperOffice support asked me to send a Mail Link log file. How do I do it?

To begin with, you want to enable a SuperOffice Mail Link log file, then reproduce the problem and send the log file to the support. After the log file has been sent you can disable the logging. The log file might grow big and create problems with the performances of the computer. To do it please follow the steps below:

  1. Click the little arrow at the right corner of SuperOffice Ribbon in Outlook.

  2. Open General settings (1) and click on the little arrow on the right side of the Advanced settings (2) and make sure that the Enable debug logging (3) option is selected. Click OK (4) to close the dialog.

  3. Reproduce (repeat) the error or problem you experienced. 
  4. Then open General settings (1) and click on the View log file (2). It will open a Notepad type document. Save it to your desktop and send it to the SuperOffice support.

Note! You can also find it in the Mail Link folder on the computer, these are default locations:

  • In SuperOffice 7 log file is stored: ....AppData\Local\SuperOffice\MailLink\Log
  • In SuperOffice 8 log file is stored: ....AppData\Roaming\SuperOffice\MailLink\Log

More information

TechDoc: Debug Mail Link

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