Release of 'SuperOffice AI' / End of Pilot announcement


We are happy to announce 'SuperOffice AI services' is planned released to CRM Online soon

We introduced our pilot program for the new SuperOffice AI services during the spring 2021.
We are happy and grateful for your participation in the program that ends 31st of May 2022. 
This will conclude the pilot program for 'SuperOffice AI services' and the pilot program will end,
 and we have now closed the program for new pilot-sign-ups.

For those who have been partisipating in the pilot program

We will automatically cancel your SuperOffice AI pilot-licenses by 31st of May 2022.
To avoid unnecessary stops in the service, you should contact us as soon as possible and not later than 15th of May 2022. 

As a SuperOffice AI Pilot customer you are entitled to a free license to the SuperOffice AI Platform provided that you activate the SuperOffice AI subscription before 31st of May 2022. - If you want to continue using SuperOffice AI services, you need to contact us.

SuperOffice AI

  • AI Platform: Activate the AI power embedded in your SuperOffice CRM. The platform service provides admin, provisioning and account management. Fixed price per month. Usage cost may come in addition. Free for Pilot customers.
  • AI Text services: Sentiment Analysis, Language detection, Translation. Fixed price per month. Usage cost may come in addition. 
  • AI Request Categorization: Categorize service requests based on their content using Machine Learning. Requires implementation services, and a fixed price per month. Usage cost may come in addition. 
  • Chatbot Connector: Infrastructure, services and APIs for Chatbot support. Requires implementation services. Customizations of this Chatbot connector requires subscription to Development Tools, and and a fixed price per month. Usage cost may come in addition. 


We urge you to give your feedback during this last period of the pilot.
Your feedback helps us identify issues, fix them and make the software even better.

How do I provide my feedback to SuperOffice?

We have several ways for you to give us feedback during the pilot testing:

  • Pilot Forum – this is the main communication channel to use. It is where we will inform everyone involved in relevant issues and is a place for you to post questions or provide feedback. You may receive answers from other customers, partners as well as our R&D resources. Pilot Forum:
  • Feedback form – there is a Feedback form which is available to everyone all the time here. It can be an easy option to send us a message about anything you have tested. We want to know if you are particularly happy with something as well as hear about any issues you may encounter.
  • Send us an email – we have a dedicated mail address: you can use to send in your questions or comments. This may be helpful when you want to discuss issues particularly relevant to your installation and you don’t want to post on a forum.

If you need help with the feature after the end of the pilot progam, reach out to our support team here.

27 Apr 2022 | 10:48 AM

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