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SuperOffice / Sharepoint using internationam M365 Tenants

Dear all, One of our customers has several international branches. Two of these countries work with SuperOffice using the same tenant. We are currently trying to move the documents to Sharepoint but are having problems with our colleagues from abroad. In the Microsoft world we have different tenants per country. The authorizations are set so that the AT colleagues can see and edit the documents on the GE Sharepoint. Unfortunately, SuperOffice does not seem to support this, ALL users with user plan must be in the same Microsoft Entra subscription . We made some tests to see what happens. Transfer to sharepoint worked fine. The AT users can open and edit the documents from SO. Our only problem is that the AT users cannot create new documents. They get a 400 error. Has anyone had this problem and solved it? Thanks in advanced Georg
Georg Diczig
24 Jul 2024 | 06:46 AM
CRM Web Application
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How is document template language versions handled in DB, and how to set using crmscript?

Hi all. Just wondering - how is language versions handled for Document templates? When addin a new language-version I cant see any changes in the DocTmpl-table. Looking the DocTmpl-table up, I can't find anything language-ish mentioned, and haven't had any luck finding any tables where this many-to-many relation would be stored. Furthermore, how do you create a document in crmscript with a specific language? When I lookup NSDocumentTemplatei I don't see any language-related attributes.   


Kasper Rosenlund
21 Jun 2024 | 10:14 AM
CRM Web Application

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To answer your orginal question Kasper: Integer documentTemplateId = 207; // get a stream of your document template variant here, for example purposes we just take the existing NL variant NSStream documentTemplateVariantContent = listAgent.GetDocumentTemplateStreamFromId(documentTemplateId, "nl"); // retrieve existing base document template entity for the plugin code NSDocumentTemplateEntity documentTemplateEntity = listAgent.GetDocumentTemplateEntity(documentTemplateId); // create new variant which copies the default one listAgent.CreateDefaultDocumentTemplateLanguage(documentTemplateId, "fr"); // save our variant listAgent.SaveDocumentTemplateStream(documentTemplateId, variant, "fr", documentTemplateEntity.GetLoadTemplateFromPlugin());
by David Hollegien
11 Jul 2024 | 01:16 PM
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New prompt in service upgrade.exe prevents automatic execution

With version 10.2.9. the following prompt appears every time when running upgrade.exe: "Note: Customer center templates will be migrated from disk to the database. If you have customized templates in a backup folder, restore now before continuing. [ok]:" Due this prompt asking for user input you can't automate the process by passing in a config-file (-config-file option), passing the option -noconfirm also doesn't skip this prompt. Is there a other (not documented) command line flag or answer key in the config-file option pass to this prompt without manual user input?
David Hollegien
8 Nov 2023 | 08:13 AM
CRM Web Application

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Hi Tor, We just write 'ok' to the standard input of the upgrade.exe program as soon as it is started if the version is 10.2.9 or greater.
by David Hollegien
4 Jul 2024 | 10:15 AM
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How do I add participant to a new appointment using SoProtocol?

Im trying to open a new appointment dialog, with a specific set of participants, using a button. Is this possible using soprotocol? Or maybe crmscript that redirect to some calcalulated soprotocol expression. I have looked through the documentation, but the closest I can get to add anything is using &groupview=true . Ideally I would like to add a set of emails, not necessarely in SuperOffice. But if needed, a set of persons would do the trick as well.  


Kasper Rosenlund
4 Jul 2024 | 09:22 AM
CRM Web Application
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serversetup not starting

I am trying to start the serversetup of SuperOffice 10.1.6  but it won't start and the so_log give me the following error: 221024 12:10:11                  [ServerSetup.exe] Loading superoffice.config from path 'c:\_install\SuperOffice_10.1.6_SnMWin_ADMIN\ServerSetup\SuperOffice.CONFIG'. 221024 12:10:14            3.1001[ServerSetup.exe] Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040). Src: NSConfigFile::_SetConfigFile at C:\Agent4\_work\1\s\Clients\\Source\NetServer\NSConfigFile.clr.cpp v line 368   I tried fixing .net 4.8, installing older .net installing .net 6, using the .net repair tool but nothing seems to work. Anyone has an clue for me?


Norbert van Korlaar
24 Oct 2022 | 12:47 PM
CRM Windows Application

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FYI - to unblock all files in the directory: Open PowerShell as Administrator and run the following command to unblock all files in the directory: (replace the path with your path to where the files are) Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Users\Downloads\SuperOffice_10.1.6_SnMWin_ADMIN\ServerSetup" -Recurse | Unblock-File
by Frode Berntsen
2 Jul 2024 | 01:19 PM
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Understanding logic in SearchEngine

I'm trying to understand how the SearchEngine work. What is the difference between the 2 searchengines below? I get 2 different results. In case  In the second case I get a row, where y_eb_eval_koder.x_ft_heading == '82', which it shouldn't be allowed to.   Case 1: String null; SearchEngine se; se.addField(''); se.addField('y_eb_eval_koder.x_ft_heading'); se.addCriteria('y_eb_eval_koder.x_ft_heading', 'Equals', '80', 'And', 1); se.addCriteria('y_eb_eval_koder.x_eb_post', 'Is', null, 'Or', 2); se.addCriteria('y_eb_eval_koder.x_eb_post', 'Equals', '0', 'And', 2); se.buildSql() gives: select, a0.x_ft_heading from y_eb_eval_koder a0 where a0.x_ft_heading = ? and (a0.x_eb_post is NULL or a0.x_eb_post = ?) //reducing parantheses select, a0.x_ft_heading from y_eb_eval_koder a0 where a0.x_ft_heading = ? and (a0.x_eb_post is NULL or a0.x_eb_post = ?)   Case 2: String null; SearchEngine se; se.addField(''); se.addField('y_eb_eval_koder.x_ft_heading'); se.addCriteria('y_eb_eval_koder.x_eb_post', 'Is', null, 'Or', 1); se.addCriteria('y_eb_eval_koder.x_eb_post', 'Equals', '0', 'And', 1); se.addCriteria('y_eb_eval_koder.x_ft_heading', 'Equals', '80', 'And', 2); Using se.buildSql() and reducing parantheses again, I get this: select,a0.x_ft_heading from y_eb_eval_koder a0 where ((a0.x_eb_post is NULL or a0.x_eb_post = ?) and ((a0.x_ft_heading = ?))) //reducing parantheses select,a0.x_ft_heading from y_eb_eval_koder a0 where (a0.x_eb_post is NULL or a0.x_eb_post = ?) and a0.x_ft_heading = ?)   Trusting the printed SQL I end up with the following: Case 1 : select, a0.x_ft_heading from y_eb_eval_koder a0 where a0.x_ft_heading = ? and (a0.x_eb_post is NULL or a0.x_eb_post = ?) Case 2 : select, a0.x_ft_heading from y_eb_eval_koder a0 where (a0.x_eb_post is NULL or a0.x_eb_post = ?) and a0.x_ft_heading = ?   Isn¨t those the exact same expressions, just with the 2 where-statements switched?  


Kasper Rosenlund
19 Jun 2024 | 01:51 PM
CRM Web Application

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Hi Elvind.   Can you explain to me how the AND and OR is supposed to work? Normally I don't even look at buildSQL. But BuildSQL outputs the AND and OR in a way, that aligns with my theoretical understanding of how they should work :). Last time I checked any archive provider was far from easy and fast to write, when you do it trough crmscript. Maybe something has changed, and I should take a look at it again. And if it is the only reliable way, I guess I  have to :). 'IN' is only possible to use when you are dealing with integers, since strings nor date is accepted this way.   I've done some further testing, and I have eliminated the posibility to have anythiing with the null criteria from my OP example. It definitily has something to do with the way OR is handled. We can hope that the bug you mention has the same sources of error. See the example below (which gives me wrong output). Notice the crit-letters. cred.addCriteria('y_eb_eval_koder.x_password', 'BeginsWith', 'mx', 'Or', 1); //Crit A cred.addCriteria('y_eb_eval_koder.x_password', 'BeginsWith', 'zw', 'And', 1); //Crit B cred.addCriteria('y_eb_eval_koder.x_ft_heading', 'Equals', '80', 'And', 2); //Crit C Using Crit lettes I've put to the right, what I want is: (A OR B) AND C It looks like the output is the following logic. I get a lot of 'mx' and 'zw' passwords, but only 'zw' has heading 80. A OR (B AND C) Because when I change the lines to be: cred.addCriteria('y_eb_eval_koder.x_password', 'BeginsWith', 'zw', 'Or', 1); //Crit B cred.addCriteria('y_eb_eval_koder.x_password', 'BeginsWith', 'mx', 'And', 1); //Crit A cred.addCriteria('y_eb_eval_koder.x_ft_heading', 'Equals', '80', 'And', 2); //Crit C ..I get a lot of 'mx' and 'zw' passwords, but here only 'mx' has heading 80. B OR (A AND C)      


by Kasper Rosenlund
27 Jun 2024 | 02:07 PM
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Salestakeholder webhooks stopped working over the weekend

A customer we're working for have several crmscript webhook - among them for salestakeholder. Over the weekend they stopped working, and I can't get them to fire no matter what I try.   Do anyone else experience problems with these type of webhooks?   I have tested for contact, person and sale, and they seem to work. The example below works if I do any changes on a sale, but not for any of stakeholder. I have tried stripping the targeted script down to this (see below), but I can't register anything. log("sale webhook "+getVariables().toJson()); Below is the state/details of the webhook if I look it up. ID: 6 State: 1 Secret: TargetUrl: webhook_stakeholder_change Registered By: Peter Registered Date: 2024-06-17 10:28:51 Updated By: Updated Date: Type: crmscript Events: - salestakeholder.created - salestakeholder.changed - salestakeholder.deleted - sale.changed - sale.created    


Kasper Rosenlund
18 Jun 2024 | 11:55 AM
CRM Web Application

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No, I can see they are still on version 10.3.6. I have written to appdev to see if they can help!


by Kasper Rosenlund
18 Jun 2024 | 02:10 PM
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Intellisense in crmscript for new Appointment functions

Using crmscript online, the new functions for Appointment is missing in Intellisense. AppointmentEntity.GetTitle(); AppointmentEntity.GetAgenda(); AppointmentEntity.GetInternalNotes(); Is there further more a way to get these in a none-html version?


Kasper Rosenlund
12 Jun 2024 | 11:27 AM
CRM Web Application

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Thank you for answer, David!


by Kasper Rosenlund
12 Jun 2024 | 04:01 PM
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Webhooks missing in Online the last week?

Hi, we've had a few cases now for different customers where we are using webhooks to detect changes in SuperOffice, where the webhooks have stopped working. Actually it seems like the entire webhook definition has been deleted. In the case I'm troubleshooting right now it seems like webhooks were removed on 7th feb, the day Online was down all day. Has anyone else had issues with webhooks the last week?
Frode Lillerud
15 Feb 2024 | 12:55 PM
CRM Web Application

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As Margrethe said it seems to be working now. All the previous webhooks returned and started working again. Thanks


by Hampus Fältström
3 May 2024 | 09:24 AM
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Tray App problems in SuperOffice 10.3.3 Onsite

  I have upgraded a Onsite Customer to SuperOffice 10.3.3 version and I have a problem with the TrayApp not connecting. I am using the latets Webtools version  I have tried to deploy a whole new database and a plain SuperOffice install. Using SuperOffice user and Password Below is the error message in plain-text SoException: Error 'UnknownError' on Server: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Stack Trace:    ved SuperOffice.TrayApp.Client.TrayAppServer.ExecutionHelper.Execute[TRequest,TResponse,TTrayApp](OnPrapareRequest`1 prepare, OnExecute`3 execute, Boolean rethrowActionNotSupportedExceptions, Boolean rethrowEndpointNotFoundExceptions)    ved SuperOffice.TrayApp.Client.TrayAppServer.Hello()    ved SuperOffice.TrayApp.Client.UI.BasicNotifyIcon.Login_Impl(Object siteObj) Source: SuperOffice.TrayApp.Client SoServerErrorException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Stack Trace:    ved SuperOffice.TrayApp.Client.TrayAppServer.ExecutionHelper.Execute[TRequest,TResponse,TTrayApp](OnPrapareRequest`1 prepare, OnExecute`3 execute, Boolean rethrowActionNotSupportedExceptions, Boolean rethrowEndpointNotFoundExceptions) Source: SuperOffice.TrayApp.Client The logfile from the trayapp says this: 02-04-2024    15:55:14    10736    163    N/A    Starting thread: Connection attempt thread for 02-04-2024    15:55:14    10736    117    Connection attempt thread for    DoWork 02-04-2024    15:55:14    10736    117    Connection attempt thread for    Looking up status for site 02-04-2024    15:55:14    10736    117    Connection attempt thread for    Attempting to connect to site 02-04-2024    15:55:14    10736    117    Connection attempt thread for    ContextBlock.Enter: ExecutionHelper.Execute - _siteInfo lock 02-04-2024    15:55:14    10736    117    Connection attempt thread for    ContextBlock.Leave: ExecutionHelper.Execute - _siteInfo lock 02-04-2024    15:55:14    10736    117    Connection attempt thread for    ERROR: Attempting to connect to site SuperOffice.Exceptions.SoException: Error 'UnknownError' on Server: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. ---> SuperOffice.TrayApp.Client.SoServerErrorException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.    at SuperOffice.TrayApp.Client.TrayAppServer.ExecutionHelper.Execute[TRequest,TResponse,TTrayApp](OnPrapareRequest`1 prepare, OnExecute`3 execute, Boolean rethrowActionNotSupportedExceptions, Boolean rethrowEndpointNotFoundExceptions)    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---    at SuperOffice.TrayApp.Client.TrayAppServer.ExecutionHelper.Execute[TRequest,TResponse,TTrayApp](OnPrapareRequest`1 prepare, OnExecute`3 execute, Boolean rethrowActionNotSupportedExceptions, Boolean rethrowEndpointNotFoundExceptions)    at SuperOffice.TrayApp.Client.TrayAppServer.Hello()    at SuperOffice.TrayApp.Client.SignalR.ConnectionScheduler.Connect_Impl() 02-04-2024    15:55:14    10736    117    Connection attempt thread for    Work finished
Søren Hartig
2 Apr 2024 | 03:58 PM
CRM Web Application

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This issue is fixed in 10.3.3 OnSite Hotfix1, due tomorrow.
by Helene Frenning Hansen
4 Apr 2024 | 03:46 PM