How do I create a new user in SuperOffice CRM?

Updated on 28 Dec 2021

How do I create a new user in SuperOffice CRM? 

Please follow this FAQ, if you use SuperOffice Online,
SuperOffice Onsite 8.5 R11 or newer version.

To add a new users you need to:

1. Be logged in as a SuperOffice administrator, click here for more information about access the Administration module.

2. Have enough SuperOffice licences. A new license can be ordered from your SuperOffice account manager, click here to contact us.


To create a new SuperOffice user please follow the steps below:

1. Select Users from the navigation menu on the left.

2.Click on Associate tab and the Add button on the bar below the user list.

3. The Contact dialog box opens. Fill in the information about the user. It is important that both the First Name and the E-mail fields are filled in with the correct information. Click Save after you've finished filling in the required fields.

4. Select Active user (not retired) and create the password for the user. 

6. Select the role for the user from the drop-down menu of Role field also do the same with Primary group. You can add other groups too, please check this FAQ to learn more the purpose of the groups.

7. Select the user plan under the Licence information and then click Save.

8. Now new user can login to SuperOffice CRM.

More information

Video: How to add a new user in the administrator module - SuperOffice 8

Video: How to easily set up users in SuperOffice Service - SuperOffice 8

FAQ: How do I create a new SuperOffice user from Active Directory user?

FAQ: How do I configure what information the users of our company can access in SuperOffice CRM?

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