How do I update the licence information in SuperOffice CRM?

Updated on 30 Nov 2021

How do I update the licence information in SuperOffice CRM?

You can manually update the serial number (licence information) in SuperOffice CRM if your installation has access to the SuperOffice Licence server. Please check this FAQ if you believe that your SuperOffice does not have access to Licence server.

To update the licence information manually, please follow the steps below:

  1.  Open Settings and Maintenance and click on  and choose Change serial number.

  2. Enter the value from the Existing serial number (1) in New serial number (2) and Existing licence owner (3) in New licence owner (4).

  3. Click OK (5). This will force reading a new licence file from the SuperOffice licence server.

Note!  If you followed these steps and the expiry date hasn't changed yet try to ?flush or log out and log in to SuperOffice Settings and maintenance, before contacting support.

Please check this FAQ, if your SuperOffice is 7.5 or older version.


More information

FAQ: What to do when I get an error when licence information is being updated?

In this article