What to do when some e-mail replies bounce with an error about bare line feed characters in SuperOffice Service?

Updated on 21 Mar 2022

Some of the replies we sent out from our SuperOffice Service come back as bounces with this message: 

550 5.6.11 - Your message contains invalid characters (bare line feed characters).

Why does it happen and how do I fix it?

To fix it you can change the Registry table entry with the Reg_id = 285 to 1. This entry enables CRLF in which format the reply content and messages are no longer blocked.

You can use this query to make an update:

update crm7.registry set value=1 where reg_id=285


  • We recommend taking a backup before making any changes directly to the database. This FAQ explains how to do it.
  • You might not find this entry if you use SuperOffice 8 SR2 or older. Then you can create one yourself (this will work only for SuperOffice 7.1 SR1 - 8 SR2)

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