Why can´t I open a document/ email in SuperOffice CRM, and it states that I´m currently editing it?

Updated on 8 Dec 2023

Why can´t I open a document/ email in SuperOffice CRM, and it states that I´m currently editing it? 

If you try to open a document or an email, and it gives you a warning like this: 

If it's a colleague's name and not your own name in the dialog box, then read this FAQ instead:
What do I do when I get a notification that another person is editing the document that I try to open it in my SuperOffice CRM?

It it´s your own name in the dialog box then, it can happen for two reasons.  

  1. You are using WebTools but have not allowed the program to download the file.

  1. You are not using WebTools and downloaded the file to your computer.

Check which of the two reasons below applies to you:   

If you answer “Yes” to one or several of the questions below, then reason 2 will most likely apply for you.  

  • Have you already worked on a file on your computer? 

  • Do you have the file in your download folder (press Ctrl + J in your browser to check)? 

  • Are your personal settings telling you that you are working with manual download and upload of files? 



If you answer “No” to all the questions above, then reason 1 will apply for you.  

Reason 1.  
This means that you’ve tried to open a document but cancelled the request to allow SuperOffice WebTools to download the file. 

You can revert the file to the last state it was before you tried to open it by following these steps: 

Right click on the file and chose Document… 



Here you can see who checked out this file.  

And if you press Task and Revert to saved version, then the file will be checked in again.  

This action requires you to delete access to the file, since you are deleting the checked-out version and are going back to the version that was before the checkout of the file.  

If the Revert to saved version is grayed out, then you need to reach out to your administrator who can revert the file for you. 

When you open the file next time, you will have to make sure to allow Superoffice WebTools: 

And don´t forget to press the checkbox Always allow to make sure that the issue does not happen again.  


Reason 2.  

You have the file downloaded on your computer, and you will need to upload the new version of the file to SuperOffice CRM.  

This can be done with a simple drag and drop or an upload of the file.  

Locate where the downloaded file is on your computer.  

Most likely it will be in your download folder, unless you have not saved it in another place,  

Open the document in SuperOffice CRM and drag the file from your computer to the drop zone.  


Press Save and the file will now be updated to the last edited version and available for other users to open.  

In this article