This script can be used to generate a random password which can be used for the CRM7 user the first time you install SuperOffice. After stating the script it will show the password in a messagebox. You can copy the password to the clipboard using "Ctrl-C" and paste it in your documentation.
function RandomString()
dim CharacterSetArray
CharacterSetArray = Array(_
Array(5, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"), _
Array(1, "0123456789"), _
Array(1, "!@#$+-*&?:") _
dim i
dim j
dim Count
dim Chars
dim Index
dim Temp
for i = 0 to UBound(CharacterSetArray)
Count = CharacterSetArray(i)(0)
Chars = CharacterSetArray(i)(1)
for j = 1 to Count
Index = Int(Rnd() * Len(Chars)) + 1
Temp = Temp & Mid(Chars, Index, 1)
dim TempCopy
do until Len(Temp) = 0
Index = Int(Rnd() * Len(Temp)) + 1
TempCopy = TempCopy & Mid(Temp, Index, 1)
Temp = Mid(Temp, 1, Index - 1) & Mid(Temp, Index + 1)
RandomString = TempCopy
end function
dim strMessage
strMessage = "Password: " & RandomString
Call MsgBox(strMessage, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "SuperOffice Random Password")