ERP - Sync Connector - Actor Type Person - Cannot assign fields for gender (MrMrs) and academic title


I created an application that connects actors of type customer, supplier and person to entities in our own ERP-Solution.
Almost everything works as intended, however
I cannot map the person related corresponding list value fields for "MrMrs" and "Acadamic title" to matching fields in SuperOffice.

This is the person card:

In my metadata for the connector I configured both fields (1), (2) as list fields
I want to assign
ERP-field "Herr/Frau" (1) to the corresponding field "MrMrs" in SuperOffice.
EPR-field "Akademischer Titel" (2) to the corresponding field "Academic Title" in SuperOffice.

The list of assginable fields in SuperOffice (3) does not show any of those two target fields:

What am I missing here?
Your support would be very much appreciated.



16 Dec 2022 | 10:45 AM

All Replies (1)

Hi Ralf,
these two fields are actually not lists. You can choose values from a list, but it saves the picked (or typed) value as a string inside the corresponding field.


19 Dec 2022 | 12:47 PM
Hi Margrethe,

thank you very much for the clarification.

However, In the Erp Sync Connector field mappings for actors of type person (see item 3 in my original post), the fields for MrMrs and Salutation are not present in the list of mappable SuperOffice fields.

So it is not possible for me to map ERP fields to these fields in SuperOffice.

Is this a known issue or am I missing something?

2 Feb 2023 | 10:26 AM

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