WebApi Dotnet Core sample repo


Hello dear SuperOffice!

I'm trying to use your sample repo for dotnet core. 
This one 2 be precise.


When trying to invoke the main method in Program.cs row 64, I get hit with this error right after:

This is when it is trying to get "GetSystemInfo" just in the beginning of the main method. Any idea why?

Kind regards,

7 Aug 2024 | 08:33 AM

All Replies (4)

For the record, I've commented this out for now and can reach my GetPersonEntityAsync without any issues. It returns the person which I'd I provide.

7 Aug 2024 | 10:03 AM

Hi Seph!

The GetSystemInfo method wasn't correct, it excluded the WebApiOptions necessary to know which tenant URL to ask for system version information.

It was correct in the .NET FW program.cs, so I just updated the .NET 8 sample to mirror the other and it now works as expected. 

I am sorry for any inconvenience. 

Best regards!

7 Aug 2024 | 12:32 PM
FYI, the sample has been updated.
7 Aug 2024 | 12:35 PM

Thank you for the quick response. Thank you for updating the repo.

Kind regards, 

7 Aug 2024 | 12:46 PM

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