Have you created web customizations? Breaking changes ahead!
We would like to know if our roadmap includes changes that will impact you!
Current development plans involve merging common SuperOffice Sales and Service pages, including Selection, Company (Contact) and Contact (Person).
The plan includes replacing the existing XML Configuration files that define the Selection, Company, and Contact pages with a newer UI technology that will break all existing customizaions on the Selection, Company and Contact pages. That means all existing SOML alterations, including configuration changes using merge files, will stop working on those pages.
Does this affect you? If so, we would like to know more about your existing customizations. As it relates to those pages, what other types of customizations are included to support those customizations, i.e. Datahandlers, AjaxMethods, inline javascript, etc?
Please either reply to this post, or email sdk@superoffice.com with your feedback, using WebCustomizations in the subject line.
All Replies (7)
This sounds like a reasonable move. We haven't got too many customizations using the web-approach. The .config / .merge file functionality has been difficult to use, and hasn't gained a lot of adoption on our end.
The things I can think of that we've used it for are:
- Adding webpanels with "Custom Archive" type of functionality.
- Adding menu options to the sale Task-button.
- Hide the birthday field in Person dialog
- Hide Service button in Navigator
I'm sure we've done some more stuff as well that I can't remember right now.
The main customization we do using .merge files to SuperOffice Web is adding extra tab's for a filtered view of document/activitiy's (on company/person level)
Other changes we have made using .merge files is making SAINT indicator images visible on the more tab of a company/project
Hi Tony,
this changes will affect some of ou customers. We have customisation on the Company and Person pages:
- Inline JavaScripts
- Adding Buttons to call backend actions (AjaxMethods) or open a custom dialog
- Hide fields
- Move fields from the more tab to the first tab
Hello Tony,
that would affect most of the adjustments we made for our on premise customers (about 20 - 30 customers with more or less complex customizations).
We use the merge files to display custom tabs with individually developed controls in companies, projects and sales.
We also use our own dataHandlers and ajax methods quite often.
From what we know, this has been the default way to add enhancements to SuperOffice Web On Premise over the last years.
Can we adapt such extensions to the new technology (SCIL?) , or will it just not work anymore?
Adding new tabs will still be supported. The breaking changes will be any changes done directly to the Company Card and Person Card. The MainCard area.
Best regards.
The only change we have done on OnSite environments related to the MainCard is adding a merge file to also make the SAINT watermark visible on the more tab. See https://community.superoffice.com/en/technical/Forum/rooms/topic/superoffice-product-group/crm-windows-application/saint-pictures/
If that could be taken into account when updating the UI we won't need that modification anymore :)
I have to add now that this effort has spread to selections, projects now, and will eventually all areas of SuperOffice.
Pagebuilder extensibility is deprecated and no longer supported on SuperOffice 10.x installations.