Developer portal - how to register and how to create and publish app video available


We started creating videos that helps answer a few questions you might have regarding the developer portal and how to create and publish an app

Register a new developer account:

00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:45 Getting started
00:01:00 Environments (development, stage and production)
00:03:15 Register developer account
00:06:30 Internal - create user account for tenant in development environment
00:09:45 Activate/sign-in user in development environment (SOD) tenant
00:12:35 Internal - create user account for developer portal access
00:18:45 Activate/create login for developer account
00:20:45 First view of the Developer Portal
00:22:32 Summary

00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:45 Create an application
00:01:10 Types of applications
00:05:45 Application configuration (client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri)
00:11:45 Sign-in to devnet-tools site to test client_id and client_secret, and grant access.
00:14:45 API sub-domains (included as claim in id_token)
00:16:15 Navigation in Developer Portal
00:18:00 Advanced configuration settings
00:18:15 Configuration versioning
00:19:20 Native Flow
00:19:35 CORS
00:20:10 Secret and Certificate
00:22:10 API Endpoints (WebApi/RESTful and SOAP)
00:23:20 Tenant state = App Notifications
00:25:20 ERP/Quote Connector URLs
00:26:45 Database Mirroring URL
00:27:00 Licenses
00:27:46 Advanced configuration (System user flow, Webhooks, CRMScript)
00:29:45 Application verification (Audit and certification)
00:30:00 Authorization levels
00:31:58 Request to publish, validation, communication flow
00:36:00 Internal view to publish requests
00:41:10 Create a new configuration version for application changes
00:44:30 Summary


Custom database mirroring video also available:


Using the System User Flow: 


More will come, if you have any questions you would have liked us to answer please let us know.

29 Nov 2022 | 04:01 PM

All Replies (3)

Nice work!

I think a specific video regarding the non-standard way SuperOffice does non-userinteractive access to the api (system user flow) would be great. Most question's we get from external developers are about that.


29 Nov 2022 | 05:21 PM
Thank you!
System user flow - great idea, we will try to make that one next week, there are some interesting topics there.
30 Nov 2022 | 08:27 AM
Just in - using the System User Flow: 
16 Dec 2022 | 07:50 AM
16 Dec 2022 | 10:37 AM

Wonderful stuff. I would suggest adding direct links to these video's in the part as well - this makes the process much more vivid!

30 Nov 2022 | 02:58 PM
Already on it..
30 Nov 2022 | 03:57 PM

Custom database mirroring video also available:

2 Dec 2022 | 08:30 AM

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