Locking down Registered/Updated and RegisteredAssociate/UpdatedAssociate


Upcoming changes involve tightening the handling of Registered and Updated, as well as  RegisteredAssociate and UpdatedAssociate.

Whether you specify them or not they will always be the current user and can't be overridden.

That is a general API change since today you can actually change the registered from the outside during an update. I don't think that was ever intended, rather it was a consequence of the implementation details.

Do you have any feedback on this change?

Do you think exceptions should be made in the case (and only the case) when the current user is a system user?


30 Mar 2022 | 12:57 PM

All Replies (1)

Customers who have their own/third party integrations that fiddled with the Registered/Updated and RegisteredAssociate/UpdatedAssociate fields are always a pain since you can't trust those fields anymore when investigating issues, so these fields being locked down seems like a good idea!

30 Mar 2022 | 01:58 PM

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