Partnersites in SOD - update to 10.2.3


The PartnerSites in SOD will be updated to Release 10.2.3 monday morning around 06.00.
The version is still under development, so the sites will be updated each morning when there are any changes, until the release is out.
If there are any hotfixes, the PartnerSites will be updated to the new versions.

24 Feb 2023 | 02:34 PM

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I'll upgradde all partnersites to the released version Release_10.2.3_2023.03.10-01 in a few minutes.
The partnersites was wrongly upgraded to the old version Release_10.2.1_2023.03.10-01 on friday.
I hope this didn't make problems for you!

14 Mar 2023 | 08:19 AM

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