The partnersites in SOD are planned to be updated to Release 10.5.3 monday morning.
The version is still under development, so the sites will be updated when there are any changes.
Featuretoggles turned on for the PartnerSites for 10.5.3 are:
NewServiceRequest, LiveRequestUI, HugoAiGpt, HugoAiIframe, HugoAIChat, HugoAISummarize, CustomObjectsv1, CustomObjectsV2, QuoteSCIL
(This featuretoggles are removed from code and will be removed from the sites monday: DisableReporter, ScilifiedSalesDialogsComplete, CRMScriptMonaco, NewDocumentDialog, NewDiary)
All Replies (4)
I don't see the NewFollowupDialog feature toggle listed anymore? We use that to detect in our standard app which field to use (description vs agenda). Is that one already removed from code? (and in what version was that?)
FeatureToggle NewFollowupDialog was removed from code in version 10.3.12.
Hi again! We are looking into the communication on adding and removing of featuretoggles.
We'll anyhow continue to note changes in featuretoggles for the partnersites i SOD here.