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Quote line DB Id variable missing

Hello everyone, We are in the process of creating a new tab in the sales quote line position view. At the moment we can't find a variable for the Quote Line ID in the  documentation: Does it not exist or have we overlooked it?  Many thanks in advance! Best regards, Andrey


Andrey Stupak
18 Mar 2025 | 12:58 PM
CRM Web Application

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Hi Andrey, Correct, there currently is no template variable for the quote line id.
by David Hollegien
19 Mar 2025 | 10:15 AM
push_pin lock

SuperOffice 10 OnSite LDAPS for AD-Authentication

When configuring the SO10Web to Authenticate via Active Directory by using the <ActiveDirectoryCredentialPlugin> settings in Web.Config the system is using LDAP for communicating with AD. I got a question from the IT-department of a customer that is planning to upgrade from SuperOffice 8 to 10 (not migrating to Online yet because of some other legacy systems) - if this connection is done by LDAPS (that is with SSL). What is required to force this authentication not to be done in "plain LDAP" but to use LDAPS?  And is there a possibility to use "Signed LDAP" authentication?  Are there any configuration possibilities for this in SuperOffice itself - or do SuperOffice rely on configurations done on the Windows Server that is running the IIS? 
Atle Bjerck
24 Feb 2025 | 10:02 AM
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Hi Atle, When you specify the ActiveDirectoryCredentialPlugin settings, these map to a PrincipalContext constructor, which accepts three things: ContextType (Always ContextType.Domain) Name of the domain Container The name of the domain can be into form of a DNS address, with or without the protocol. Therefore, according the the docs, the following should be accepted: LDAP : // LDAPS : // Example: <ActiveDirectoryCredentialPlugin> <add key="Domain" value="ldaps://" /> <add key="Container" value="OU=,DC=,DC=" /> <add key="User" value="" /> <add key="Password" value="" /> </ActiveDirectoryCredentialPlugin> This should work. I would consider it a bug if it does not.  
by Tony Yates
18 Mar 2025 | 02:13 PM
push_pin lock

Where is 'Username' for a person saved in the database?

Hi all. Maybe I'm just blind, but I have no idea where to find 'username' for a given person in SuperOffice, once they have logged into CC. Does anyone know where to look? :)


Kasper Rosenlund
12 Mar 2025 | 03:28 PM
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Thank you Georg. I would never has guessed this location. Weird to call username 'secret_key'.


by Kasper Rosenlund
12 Mar 2025 | 05:46 PM
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Database field in Marketing for "Override consent and subscription" in marketing mail.

When a user in a marketing mail selects the checkbox "Override consent and subscription / Overstyr samtykke og abonnement".  Is this value stored in the database somewhere ? 
Ummair Tahir
3 Mar 2025 | 11:44 AM
CRM Web Application
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Tracing of crmscript - UI doesn't follow your step

I apologize if this is not the appropriate forum for this query. Following a recent update to the CRMScript tracing mechanism, the debugger no longer tracks the current line of execution. As a result, during step-by-step tracing, the user must manually locate the active line in the script, which is both cumbersome and time-consuming. Could this behavior be reverted or corrected so that the trace once again follows the currently executed line?    


Kasper Rosenlund
20 Feb 2025 | 09:05 AM
Technical Product Forums
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Host onsite SuperOffice on Linux-based server operating system?

In this documentation Operating system | SuperOffice Docs it is only Windows server operation systems mentioned. Is it possible to host onsite SuperOffice on any Linux-based server operating system? If yes, I would appreciate more details.
Laimonas Oberauskis
27 Jan 2025 | 12:35 PM
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No. SuperOffice currently uses .NET Framework, which is Windows only. Maybe in SuperOffice 12 or further down the line when everything has been converted to .NET Core. See this blog post for some more details
by David Hollegien
27 Jan 2025 | 05:51 PM
push_pin lock

Understanding logic in SearchEngine

I'm trying to understand how the SearchEngine work. What is the difference between the 2 searchengines below? I get 2 different results. In case  In the second case I get a row, where y_eb_eval_koder.x_ft_heading == '82', which it shouldn't be allowed to.   Case 1: String null; SearchEngine se; se.addField(''); se.addField('y_eb_eval_koder.x_ft_heading'); se.addCriteria('y_eb_eval_koder.x_ft_heading', 'Equals', '80', 'And', 1); se.addCriteria('y_eb_eval_koder.x_eb_post', 'Is', null, 'Or', 2); se.addCriteria('y_eb_eval_koder.x_eb_post', 'Equals', '0', 'And', 2); se.buildSql() gives: select, a0.x_ft_heading from y_eb_eval_koder a0 where a0.x_ft_heading = ? and (a0.x_eb_post is NULL or a0.x_eb_post = ?) //reducing parantheses select, a0.x_ft_heading from y_eb_eval_koder a0 where a0.x_ft_heading = ? and (a0.x_eb_post is NULL or a0.x_eb_post = ?)   Case 2: String null; SearchEngine se; se.addField(''); se.addField('y_eb_eval_koder.x_ft_heading'); se.addCriteria('y_eb_eval_koder.x_eb_post', 'Is', null, 'Or', 1); se.addCriteria('y_eb_eval_koder.x_eb_post', 'Equals', '0', 'And', 1); se.addCriteria('y_eb_eval_koder.x_ft_heading', 'Equals', '80', 'And', 2); Using se.buildSql() and reducing parantheses again, I get this: select,a0.x_ft_heading from y_eb_eval_koder a0 where ((a0.x_eb_post is NULL or a0.x_eb_post = ?) and ((a0.x_ft_heading = ?))) //reducing parantheses select,a0.x_ft_heading from y_eb_eval_koder a0 where (a0.x_eb_post is NULL or a0.x_eb_post = ?) and a0.x_ft_heading = ?)   Trusting the printed SQL I end up with the following: Case 1 : select, a0.x_ft_heading from y_eb_eval_koder a0 where a0.x_ft_heading = ? and (a0.x_eb_post is NULL or a0.x_eb_post = ?) Case 2 : select, a0.x_ft_heading from y_eb_eval_koder a0 where (a0.x_eb_post is NULL or a0.x_eb_post = ?) and a0.x_ft_heading = ?   Isn¨t those the exact same expressions, just with the 2 where-statements switched?  


Kasper Rosenlund
19 Jun 2024 | 01:51 PM
CRM Web Application

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Hi, I've encountered the issue Kasper is describing quite a bit, and it's a little annoying. 🙂 Also some clarification here would be great. Is Kasper right in that this: cred.addCriteria('y_eb_eval_koder.x_password', 'BeginsWith', 'mx', 'Or', 1); //Crit A cred.addCriteria('y_eb_eval_koder.x_password', 'BeginsWith', 'zw', 'And', 1); //Crit B cred.addCriteria('y_eb_eval_koder.x_ft_heading', 'Equals', '80', 'And', 2); //Crit C is supposed to correspond to: (A OR B) AND C , but it's not working correctly because of this bug: ? I see that using "in" is proposed as a workaround, but that only works for Integers as Kasper also points out.  Any chance the bug will be corrected some time soon?
by Espen Steen
23 Jan 2025 | 01:25 PM
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SQL Server 2022 - Core(s)/mimimum for around 120 users

Not sure if this belongs in this forum, but: Consider a installation, planned for upgrade to V. 10 with about 120 users (on-premise). Currently running on a 2017 SQL. With it reaching EOL, customer is considering SQL 2022 (Standard) Considering lisensing per core. What are the mimimum/suggested # of cores that should be considered ?   regards      


Eirik Simonsen
6 Jan 2025 | 12:16 AM
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How many cores would greatly depend on the indivual core speed. No clear answer to give here. My general advice would be for a setup of 120 users: 2 servers/vm's, one database, one web/app Database server should have atleast 4 cores, 2,5 ghz (or greater), more importantly, make sure it has enough RAM, ideally enough to fit the whole database in RAM + some extra for Windows Application server with 4 cores, 2,5 ghz (or greater), 8 GB ram or greater, make sure that you configure to use the batch task service, so that background operations are not done by IIS. Seperate file server/drive for the SO ARC Use the build-in performance report of SSMS to look for optimizations opportunities. 
by David Hollegien
10 Jan 2025 | 10:04 AM
push_pin lock

SOProtocol: Open dialog and automatically add person, company and sale

Hi, We are working from a webpanel on the SuperOffice logo, and we need to open the dialog window to create a new appointment with pre-filled data. We can open up specific appointments just fine with: SuperOffice.ClientCrossMessaging.executeSoProtocol('appointment.main[refresh=false]?appointment_id='+id);   But, when running the following code, the Sale is not populated (but, it works when we are actually standing on the sale in the gui) SuperOffice.ClientCrossMessaging.executeSoProtocol('appointment.main[new=true]?appointment_id=0&sale_id=12345'); How can this be achived? Regards Pär Pettersson
Pär Pettersson
6 Nov 2024 | 03:35 PM
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Got it working with: SuperOffice.ClientCrossMessaging.openDocument(id); The postMessage didnt do anything, i guess its because of Cors since the code is running from another domain in an webpanel on the superoffice logo. All good, thanks alot for your fast response! Regards Pär Pettersson
by Pär Pettersson
16 Dec 2024 | 08:33 AM
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Question regarding marketing module

Hi, When will the old SuperOffice marketing template stop working? I am quite sure I have seen som notice about that the old marketing template editor will stop shipping in some version? But I can not find that information again. Anyone having informatiion about this? I have developed 3 templates long ago to a customer and need to rebuild them if they will not work anymore (10.3.3) seems ok. Is it possible to convert them to new editor somehow or do I need to create them from scratch. //Anders
Anders Larsson
7 Oct 2024 | 03:08 PM
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I guess the old maileditor will exist at least until SO 11 is shipped? Docs b4 had information about the old editor but can just find information about the new editor (10.3.5 +) SuperOffice Marketing | SuperOffice Docs So the questions remains unanswerd: When will old version dissapear? Will it be possible to convert from old template format into new format?
by Anders Larsson
29 Nov 2024 | 09:52 AM