"Password policy" in System settings


Has the "Password policy" been removed from the system settings? Can't a customer enforce strong passwords without using O365 or Google Suites?

9 Dec 2019 | 12:00 AM

All Replies (11)


You can find it under the "Global preferences" tab of the "Preferences" menu item.

All the way at the bottom:

(Not available in online)

9 Dec 2019 | 12:00 AM

Note that these User password policy settings are only available for Onsite installations.

The reason for this is that login Online unfortunately has no way of telling the user what the current policy is, and we would like to avoid that users have to guess...

We are planning a solution for making these settings available for Online administrators too, however this solution is not yet implemented.






9 Dec 2019 | 12:00 AM

For some mysterious reason it works for me in Online as well when I use the password policy like David said. I think it shouldn't be like this,but it actually works for me....

10 Dec 2019 | 12:00 AM

I saw that part but I am using Swedish and then it says "Password policy for Customer Center".

So that is not correct?

10 Dec 2019 | 12:00 AM

Hello Patrik,

Those are the settings for customer passwords in the customer service customer center, not for associates in SuperOffice.

10 Dec 2019 | 12:00 AM


Correct is what David is saying. An user in Online Global preferences can see "Customer Cntre password policy" section bacause of having Service/Complete CRM license.
We have now tested it at Support and the result is: Password policy is NOT affecting associates, and only is working for the contacts' accounts in the Customer Centre.


10 Dec 2019 | 12:00 AM


In Global preferences there is one section for User password policy, and another section for Customer Centre password policy.

In Online, the User password policy settings are not yet available (as described above), however, the Customer Centre password policy is available.

In Onsite, this is how it looks, two different sections for the different kind of users:



10 Dec 2019 | 12:00 AM

Hi Trude,

Me and Patrik are working with a prospect in Sweden that want this functionality.

I just have a follow up question to your message:

"We are planning a solution for making these settings available for Online administrators too, however this solution is not yet implemented."


Do you have any idea when this will be implemented?

And can we guarantee that this will be available for Online customers?





11 Dec 2019 | 12:00 AM

I am currently implementing password policy in SuperID in the SuperOffice Online Development (SOD) environment. We have now a minimum policy in place in SOD and I am working on also complying to password policies set by the customers administrator. This means that the password must follow both the minimum and customers individual password policy. I hope to have this in production in January.

The minimum policy in SuperID in SOD is currently being evaluated to see if it is both good and intuitive enough. The current requirement in SOD is that the password is at least 6 characters and yellow on the password strength indicator. Yellow on the password strength indicator means that it scores at least 2 on the “zxcvbn” password strength algorithm.

The password policy will now be applied to new passwords (new users and resetting passwords). We will in the future require that people with too weak passwords update to a better password.

Contact me if you want to help test out the new policy.

12 Dec 2019 | 12:00 AM

Jens, sound great! Will it be possible for the customer to themselves the password requirements (i.e. minimum number of characters, must contain special characters and numbers etc)?

12 Dec 2019 | 12:00 AM

That's great news Jens !

13 Dec 2019 | 12:00 AM

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