In SuperOffice 8.5 R2 the password policy preference for CRM has been deprecated and moved into the password_policy table (previously only for CS). The gui to change the password policy is now only accessible for customers who have atleast one service or complete license. Customers that only have sales users now can't configure the password policy..
We can manually insert it into the database for customers without service access but that isn't a great solution...
Why was it chosen to deprecate the CRM preference and use the CS variant of the functionality that isn't accessible for all users? Seems more logical to me to move it the other way around, make CS use the password policy preference from CRM.
All Replies (3)
The password policy preference of CRM was deprecated and moved into the password_policy table for Service as a part of moving these two clients closer together. A new user interface for changing such global settings for both CRM and Service was released as part of 8.5 R3.
This functionality is now enabled for some of our Online customers, and will soon be available to all. You will find the user interface in a new tab next to Admin - Preferences in CRM admin client.
The reason for keeping the Service password_policy table instead of keeping it as a preference was because the table could support a more user friendly way to reflect the policy settings in our new user interface.
Best regards,
Hello Trude,
Thanks for your answer. I see the new GUI in my online tenant, I guess the 'Customer Centre password policy' also applies to the user/associate logins?
Will this new GUI be incuded in the next OnSite release? (8.5 R04)
Great that you found the new UI in your tenant. However, I completely forgot one aspect, sorry about that!
At the moment configuring a password policy in a customer database is not working smoothly together with the login process in our Online environment. To avoid login complications for new users, we decided to hide the possibility to add a user password policy from the Online installations for now. This means:
1) Online customers who had a policy set in the CRM preference (very few customers used this preference in Online) are not able to change their password policy rules in any user interface right now. Their password policy is kept as it was and is enforced the exact same way as it used to be.
2) Online customers who did not have a password policy set, will not be able to add a new password policy until we have made sure they will get a good login experience.
The new UI will be included in Onsite R04 or R05, depending on feedback from our Online customers. Will have to come back to you on this one.