SuperOffice Community forum is a place where you can find and share useful information about how to use SuperOffice CRM – from tips, workarounds and optimizations, to insights and inspiration.
Here are a few tips on how to post a great question and collaborate successfully in SuperOffice forums.
- Always start by searching. Before posting, please spend a moment searching in existing forum posts and resources, where your question might have been already answered.
- Create a meaningful title. Make sure you mention the feature you search for or the procedure you are trying to accomplish. It will help find your question in the future and prevent duplicate topics.
Example of a well-written title: How can I automatically move lead details from my website to SuperOffice CRM?
Example of a poorly written title: Moving leads
- Explain the result you expect to get. Sometimes the same goal can be reached by using a slightly different approach. Make sure that the reader of your question understands what the goal of the process is.
- Be specific. When explaining your issue or question, please share screenshots, links, and your assumptions or what you have tried so far. It will give context to what you are experiencing. Providing detailed information enables you to get quicker and more relevant answers. Please respect your privacy, do not share login details, sensitive or confidential data. Use tools to blur unnecessary data.
- Mark the correct answer. When the response helped with your question or solved your issue, please mark it as the answer. This way you give credit to the person who helped you and allow others to find the answer quicker.
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