Pilot Program

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7 Topics

42 Conversations

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All conversations (42)

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Feature toggle: Custom Objects

Hi! Is it possible to activate custom objects for OnPrem 10.3.3 -10.3.9 or will CustomObjects be active in the upcoming 10.5.4 ? V1 seems to have come 10.3.4.. Custom objects The feature toggle list does not contain information about: Custom Objects ? Feature toggles | SuperOffice Docs Best regars //Anders  
Anders Larsson
17 Mar 2025 | 09:34 AM
Custom Objects

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They have been added but a new version of docs needs to be published, see https://github.com/SuperOfficeDocs/superoffice-docs/blob/main/docs/en/onsite/feature-toggles.md
by David Hollegien
19 Mar 2025 | 04:23 PM
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SuperOffice Copilot

Hi, I am not sure if this is the right topic for this but, I just got back from holiday. I notice that our SuperOffice had a update because the layout is different then before. I wanted to continue testting SuperOffice Copilot,  But for some reason I don't see it in my side panel anymore? Could it be I got kickout of testing because I was not active? Or did someting changed and I missed it? ☺️


Rene Walkiers
7 Mar 2025 | 10:45 AM
AI Lab

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Hi Frode, Thanks for your reply. I will take it up with my collegae Arentsen why he removed it. Thx


by Rene Walkiers
10 Mar 2025 | 01:03 PM
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AI Lab suggestions for improvement

What I notice a little is that the AI finds it very difficult to train certain habits. It has a lot of trouble, especially when querying customer-specific fields. Even after about over 6 attempts, it still doesn't give me the desired results. It also has some trouble with follow-up tasks. In addition, the New Service module is very poorly connected, it makes no distinction between tickets with open/closed status despite numerous attempts to correct them. If I explicitly ask for open requests, it simply brings me everything. Even when I ask for requests for projects, it doesn't give me most of them. The AI tool completely loses the configuration when writing emails and it also translates automatically generated attachments. The tool is not a great relief at the moment, but it has great potential. In spite of everything, it also produces very good and precise results. But the downs are still in the majority to the ups at the moment.


Admin ICT
6 Mar 2025 | 07:20 AM
AI Lab
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Safety of confidential information using AI Lab Copilot

Hi,   Like many of our customers, we use SuperOffice to manage a lot of confidential information, including contracts and other sensitive documents. Our institution has a policy against using certain AI services, and we have recently banned DeepSeek, Read.ai, and Microsoft Copilot.   To enable the SuperOffice AI lab, we need assurance that our data remains confidential and is not utilized by AI software providers. This would be guaranteed if the AI Copilot operates on servers managed by SuperOffice, using local AI models.   Can SuperOffice comply with this essential requirement?


Maarten van Roosmalen
19 Feb 2025 | 02:36 PM
AI Lab

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Hi Maarten, The SuperOffice AI Lab features and SuperOffce Copilot uses software and services provided by sub-contractors of SuperOffice, such as Microsoft Azure OpenAI Services. Read through the terms here in full: https://www.superoffice.com/trust-center/agreements/ai-lab/ and see how it complies with your internal policies.
by Filip Norman
19 Feb 2025 | 03:09 PM
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Show blogic screen in iframe if screen chooser specified instead of SCIL element

Hi, We have been working on a new environment for a customer with a load of custom functionality, while developing this we tried to incorporate the new custom objects functionality as much as possible. For example we use the default custom tabs based on the custom tables, but created screen choosers to our custom blogic screen for actual viewing and/or modification of the custom object records. This because there is a lot of custom business logic. This worked quite well because clicking a custom object row would just open an iframe to the 'old' blogic screens (and so the screen chooser strategy worked). Only now we discovered with the update of the customer tenant to 10.3.8 that clicking a custom object row opens a new SCIL element instead of our own blogic screen. Since there is no way to incorporate any of our custom business logic in this screen (no save trigger, only load, no way to modify the screen layout, etc.), this won't work for this solution/customer. What would be great if this depended on if there is a screen chooser for the custom object/table active. If there is a screen chooser active, just load it in an iFrame (behavior for now until 10.3.8), if there is no screen chooser active, use the new SCIL component. (Best of both worlds) This way you can have the customer use the new functionality like selections, dashboards, custom tabs, but still have the flexibility for now to use the 'old' blogic screen for actual modification of custom object records. Otherwise, all these functionalities can't be used util the new custom objects have A LOT more functionality related to screen design, before/after save triggers etc.  I have asked operations to disable the CustomObjectsV2 feature toggle for this customer for now, with hopefully a solution like described here becoming available, otherwise we will have to revert back to the 'old' way of working with custom objects (creating custom screens for listing of records on company, project, etc., no selection/dashboard capabilities) since it is absolutely required here to have custom business logic when saving the custom object records.
David Hollegien
29 Aug 2024 | 11:53 AM
Custom Objects

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Working flawlessly (for now :) ). Thanks a lot David!
by Bas Kreijveld
18 Dec 2024 | 04:13 PM
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Refresh of Copilot window

Hi, we've started testing the SuperOffice Copilot and have some feedback from our users. First of all we miss automatic refresh of the minipanel. When we have a company card active we can ask for some company details. But when we move to another company we have to reset the panel and ask again. Should refresh, or at least reset the panel and be ready to hit the question once more. If I move to the request menu, I would expect the panel to refresh to the request questions without hitting the reset (Nullstill) button When changing to another request, the minipanel should reset   


Ingar Karlsen
6 Nov 2024 | 03:49 PM
AI Lab

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Thank you for your feedback report We have submitted the issues to our development team for further evaluation and resolution It is now registered as Wishes, the ID are: 67286, 67287
by Frode Berntsen
7 Nov 2024 | 08:54 AM
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'Compare to period' not working for custom tables

Hi, I am working on a solution for a customer to put their revenue data into a custom table so they can use it for dashboarding/selections. It works great but there is one functionality that doesn't seem to work. We can't get the 'Compare to period' functionality to work. Example: Tile with the following dataset: Note that we use  a 'This year' criteria on the invoice date (date field) here. On the layout tab you will see the grouping, compare to period option, but it is disabled: We really would like to use the 'compare to period' functionality here so that we can compare it to last year's data. Is this supposed to work? or just not available for dashboard's based on custom object tables?    
David Hollegien
18 Oct 2024 | 02:30 PM
Custom Objects

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I see that that issue is classified as a wish, so this is intended behavior? Then the tooltip text should be changed. Or even better, the use case of using UDef fields/custom objects in combination with "compare to period" should be supported 😃
by David Hollegien
18 Oct 2024 | 06:08 PM
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What Is Custom Objects?

What Is Custom Objects? Custom Objects represents a significant change that will eventually merge user-defined fields, Extra Fields, and Extra Tables in Service into one powerful CRM toolkit. To ensure a smooth transition, we're rolling Custom Objects out in phases: The foundation phase - available in Pilot now : Join the pilot program to create and define custom objects like entities, tables, fields, and relations. Seamlessly integrated into SuperOffice CRM, Custom Objects are no longer limited to Service; they will be visible in all archives, search, selections, and more; simplifying data management and search across the platform. The enhancement phase - available in Pilot later this year : In upcoming releases, we'll introduce additional features like creating dashboards and designing custom screens, archives, and dialogs using intuitive layouts in the screen designer. These enhancements will further streamline your workflow and improve user experience.   This is what we introduce in the first version: Auto generated archive tabs  When adding a relational field to standard entity or Custom object and enabling “Show one to many relations” this result in archive being automatically added to related standard entity (Company, Contact, Sale, Project, Ticket).  Implementation uses configurable screens framework to add tabs in UI.  SuperOffice Selections SuperOffice Selections is the key component to get insight to your CRM data and initiate actions against contacts. While users currently can create selections/find data based on Extra fields and Extra tables directly connected to known SuperOffice entities, we now extend search capabilities to search against Extra tables with fields pointing to known  SuperOffice entities. Users will therefor not be  limited to using SuperOffice Service for creating selections/searching for data any longer. If any  visible Extra table contains field pointing to entity( Company, Contact, Sale, Project, Request, Activity) we include it as a “top”  node to select from in selections. Extending search capabilities on relational fields Allow for searching across multiple columns. More user friendly: now we include a preview to give user more insight into each entity in results and make it easier to select correct.    Read more here: https://community.superoffice.com/en/product-releases/pilot-programs/current-pilot-programs/custom-objects/   Who can join?   Customers who want to sign up need to: ✔️ Use SuperOffice CRM Online  ✔️ Use Service: extra table Please note on Auto generated archive tabs: This is based upon settings set for your extra table. You may end up with more tabs than you expect when pilot feature is enabled. You can adjust the settings set for your extra tables or in the configurable screens framework if you have Development Tools license. Sign up for pilot programs >>   Effect of enabling the pilot feature: 👥= All users will join Pilot Once you have opted-in - all user logging in to this tenant will automatically get the pilot-versions we make available. New archives / Tabs have automatically been added to related standard entity (Company, Contact, Sale, Project, Ticket).  SuperOffice Selections search capabilities to search against Extra tables New preview of Extra table entities.   Getting Started with Custom Objects: Now users will see archives have automatically been added to related standard entity (Company, Contact, Sale, Project, Ticket).   They now have search capabilities to search against Extra tables with fields pointing to known SuperOffice entities in SuperOffice Selections They will also see there is a preview to give user more insight into each entity in results for these Extra table entities.   What's in it for you? By being a pilot tester you will get a head start and early access to this version. With the new features comes an important update that will provide better and improved overall experience. This pilot program will be valuable for customers eager to test versions before release, and to get the most up to date versions, as well for SuperOffice - to make sure this version gives the desired results on stability and performance.
Frode Berntsen
16 Apr 2024 | 11:27 AM
Custom Objects

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Exciting update for pilot users: New version 3 released this week! We are delighted to announce the release v3 of Custom Objects available this week for our pilot users. As we continue to enhance your experience, this update introduces new features and improvements. Here’s what’s new in v3 (Release 10.3.9): Customize Archive layout containing Custom Objects in the Screen Designer. New component to show, edit and delete an item from Extra Table. Create a trigger on loading a Custom Object to pre-fill fields based on CRMScripts. Read more in the  overview of Custom Objects Stay tuned for further updates as we continue to introduce more features in future releases. Enjoy the new capabilities in Custom Objects version 3!
by Frode Berntsen
11 Oct 2024 | 01:24 PM
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New AI Lab feature available! ✨Get help when creating text in an appointment or a request helping you do more in less time

Have you ever felt stuck or needed assistance with the text in an activity dialog or a request in SuperOffice? You can now find a new sparkle button in the editor that offers text features for creation and editing.  Access SuperOffice Copilot to receive help with your follow-up text. This tool speeds up your tasks and improves accuracy. You decide the content and style. Influence the results by  correcting and  adding text, requesting shorter responses, selecting styles, or rewriting your text. ✨ in the Follow-up dialog  ✨ in the Requests editor No more copying and pasting. Access help directly where you need it. This exemplifies generative AI at its finest.
Frode Berntsen
25 Sep 2024 | 09:41 AM
AI Lab

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How does SuperOffice AI translation for requests/appointments work? SuperOffice AI automatically translates text based on the language your SuperOffice is set to. For example, if you're using SuperOffice in Swedish and encounter text in English, the AI will translate from English to Swedish. There is no need to manually choose the language, as it adapts to your current SuperOffice language settings. How does SuperOffice AI determine which text to translate or edit? SuperOffice AI will work with either selected or unselected text based on your input. If you highlight specific text in an activity dialog or request, the AI will focus on translating or editing only that marked text. However, if no text is selected, the AI will use all the text in the dialog or request for its translation or editing suggestions. This feature, accessible via the new ✨ sparkle button, allows you to customize and refine the content without needing to copy and paste text into other tools. Whether you're seeking help to improve your text, shorten it, or rewrite it, SuperOffice Copilot adapts to your needs, making your tasks more efficient.
by Frode Berntsen
10 Oct 2024 | 06:24 AM
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Displaying a custom object entry by its ID as a URL parameter?

Hi, I had a chat with a customer yesterday, and the need to open a custom object entry by using its table name + ID in the URL arose. I noticed there are no custom object parameters in the URL when viewing the current custom object dialog. However, according to the SoProtocol section in the docs , we should be able to open a custom object by using: default.aspx?customobject?customobject_name=y_car&customobject_id=1520 I can't get this to work though. Is this supposed to work in the current version? Or is it maybe intended for a future update where the screen designer for custom objects is released? Espen
Espen Steen
13 Sep 2024 | 07:28 AM
Custom Objects

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For anyone who might have the same issue, I came up with this solution as a workaround. Make a CRMScript that saves the custom object ID as a session variable using "setSessionVariable()" and immediately redirects the user to a browser panel (on the SuperOffice button). Call it by using "/blogic.fcgi?_sf=0&action=doScript&id=xxx?customObjectId=1". (a good idea would to have a separate parameter for the custom object  name so it can be used for any custom object, but i didn't do that here). #setLanguageLevel 4; // Save object ID that we want to open String customObjectId = getCgiVariable("customObjectId"); setSessionVariable("openCustomObjectId", customObjectId); // Then redirect to web panel that shows a CS Screen that will pick up the session variable: setVariable("url", "https://online.superoffice.com/CustXXXXX/default.aspx?browser.displaycustomobject");   Make a CS Screen that picks up the session variable we just stored, and use ClientCrossMessaging to display to the custom object. Display the screen as a browser web panel. In this way, the user has clicked a link -> CRMScript redirects them to a blank web panel -> The custom object dialog opens outside the web panel.   Edit: I originally tried to include some more code examples, but the code blocks really didn't like the HTML sections, so I removed it.
by Espen Steen
20 Sep 2024 | 11:40 AM