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Did you get stuck with the setup of SuperOffice CRM? Do you need inspiration on how to automate the work process or simply get more of your solution? Here is the place to post questions, share tips and workarounds and help others.

All conversations (155)

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Udf für Company List?

Hi dear, is there posible to cretae a UDF in Sales for Company List? Thanks!
Jianchun You
19 Mar 2025 | 03:22 PM
Settings and maintenance

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Hi Tony or Samuel, there is no possible to create in Sales a List to get Relation to Company, but I can create Links in Screen Designer, just I don't want hard code it like in Screenshots. Is Possible in crm scripts to implement this links for its Name and soprotocol? Thanks!
by Jianchun You
3 h, 49 m ago | 02:05 PM
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Import module - failing to synch custom fields - type list - with a superoffice list

Hi again, Complementing the Our contact field with a secondary contact from our side I created a custom field which was the type list and the list used was associates. However when importing companies from excel our contact is updated but my custom field is not - even if the input is the same (same name). Is there some extra setting for that?  As an extra inpur I tried importng a custom field for relevant group - I first tried importing to the field (type list wth list used being General - User Group) but failed. However when creating my own list and changing to that for the custom field it was working.  Thankful for answers! :) 


Alexander Nordling
4 Mar 2025 | 09:55 AM
Setting up and administrating Service

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Hi Alexander, You can import associate names by using their user ID in the Excl file. And we are in touch with you personally regarding importing values for a custom field.
by Gerard van de Castel
11 Mar 2025 | 08:15 AM
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Import companies with custom fields

I am running the built in import module in the admin tool (Import company from Excel) and all is very straight forward in general. My main issue is mapping my columns to my added custom fields. I can find custom fields created in the fields section in the admin tool but not any of the fields added in the system design part of the admin tool. Is this a known issue with Superoffice or am I missing anything when exposiing the fields?  Thankful for answers! 


Alexander Nordling
20 Feb 2025 | 01:18 PM
Setting up and administrating Service

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Hi Bas, Thanks for the prompt response. Great then I know the limitation ! Thanks!


by Alexander Nordling
20 Feb 2025 | 01:47 PM
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Navigation button - Change url of current window

Is there any way for me to create a Web GUI that is visible as a navigator button, that changes the url of the current window? The default behaviour is to navigate to the specified url in a new window, but I would like to change my current one instead. 


Beata Martinsson
19 Dec 2024 | 03:03 PM
Settings and maintenance

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You can use soprotocol: links to open stuff from SuperOffice using a navigator button, if you want to open something outside SuperOffice in the same window, that is not possible.   
by David Hollegien
10 Jan 2025 | 10:05 AM
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Navigation button - Change url of current window

Is there any way for me to create a Web GUI that is visible as a navigator button, that changes the url of the current window? The default behaviour is to navigate to the specified url in a new window, but I would like to change my current one instead. 


Beata Martinsson
19 Dec 2024 | 03:03 PM
Settings and maintenance
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TAGS in tickets

Hi, I have created some TAGS for our tickets in SuperOffice (Service).  How can I delete old TAGS that are no longer needed?  How do I correct any errors in the TAGS that have been created for use? Is there a list somewhere that contains the TAGS that have been created? Thank you in advance.


Betina Bruun
30 Oct 2024 | 10:49 AM
Setting up and administrating Service

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Hi Betina, Also note that in the Admin client we have a setting for which user "Roles" are allowed to add new tags directly in the user interface, without using the Admin client (Settings & Maintenance). You may want to restrict access for standard users to be able to create new tags on their own directly in the user interface. Maybe users should only be able to suggest new types of Tags, and then an system administrator creates the new Tags directly in the list...
by Susan Laugaard Hansen
19 Dec 2024 | 11:59 AM
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Adding a task via SQL

Working on getting some very custom intigrations working again after an upgrade from 8 to 10. I originally had some code that added Appointements to projects that worked using the old VBScript toolset. Now I wanted to switch this over and just add it using straight SQL  (Microsoft SQL) When I do this I create the record in the APPOINTMENT table with an ID of the MAX Current ID +1 Then Create the record for that ID in the TRAVELTRANSACTIONLOG  for that ID. I make a record in the VISIBLEFOR table and again the TRAVELTRANSACTIONLOG table according to the documentation. Everything is displayed correctly but I can not add a new Appointent in the UI till I delete it. Assuming because it is trying to add it with the ID I just added. Is there another table controling the IDs I need to update so the system will grab the next avalaible? The Table COUNTERVALUE is completly empty. FYI Thank You, Jeff
Jeff Bade
12 Dec 2024 | 06:43 PM
Settings and maintenance

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I need to be able to access a SQL Table in another database which I was told I can not do in CRM-script. Which is why I was looking for alternative methods and was just going to go straight SQL instead. We will never migrate to SO online as we have way too many customizations and the SO database is tied very closely to another in house DB. So not worried about that ever. I think this solved it for me once I make these changes. Thank you, Jeff
by Jeff Bade
12 Dec 2024 | 08:45 PM
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UDEF-Tables: from ProgId to column name in DB

Hi there,   I was wondering where exactly in the database I can find the link between a custom field (ProgId) and the corresponding column name in the database. For example if I have a custom field "SuperOffice:45" for the person entity, how do find out the column name in the UDPERSONSMALL table (e.g. "long06")? Unfortunately, none of the system tables (sys.columns, sys.tables etc) seem to map directly to the info found in the UDEFFIELD table and I was unable to locate any dedicated mapping table. We do regular bulk updates of custom fields and for now the only way to find out the right column name is by changing the value in the UI and checking for differences in the UD-tables.   Any hint would be greatly appreciated!


Holger Winkelsträter
9 Oct 2024 | 09:27 AM
Settings and maintenance

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Hi Tony, sorry, just noticed there was another reply - that also comes in very handy, thank you very much!


by Holger Winkelsträter
22 Oct 2024 | 09:50 AM
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Batches Online

Hello! I am trying to figure out how to write handle batches in CRMScript for the online version of SuperOffice. I am trying to update a custom field on all contacts in my database using a few if-statements, but the database is too large for me to be able to run it all at once. The problem is that I want this code to run once a week, without me having to go into the script, tell the code to run the first 100 companies, then the next 100 companies and so on. Is there any way for me to be able to create a shedueled task each week, and tell the schedule to run one script many times, and for the database to somehow know how many times the script has run, and therefore how many companies it has completed before, and how many times it should run again? Below is some pseudocode for how I wish for it to run, but I don't know how to actually write the code or if it is even possible: SearchEngine se; se.AddField(Information about all companies); se.setLimit(100); se.criteria(currentCustomerId > lastHandeledId) //This is where the problem lies se.execute(); and then some code for changing the custom fields based on the information Is this possible at all, and how? Thank you in advance.


Beata Martinsson
1 Oct 2024 | 02:38 PM
Settings and maintenance

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Hi Beata, if a customer has development tools so you can actually write CRMScript, it also means they also have the subscription needed to create  custom apps  and you can use the WebAPI directly: It's a lot faster since the CRMScript code actually gets translated into the same archives behind these API calls when executed Other benefits of using the APIs instead of the CRMScripts: If it fails you will see the exceptions linked to your apps credentials inside the developer portal: You are not limited by the 2 min timeout we have on CRMScripts running in our Online environment. More info on what you can do with CRMScript and its limitations:
by Margrethe Romnes
2 Oct 2024 | 07:50 AM
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Appointments alarm keep showing.

Hi (On Premise 8.3) I have a single user that has the alarms windows popping up all the time. If I remove the applointment from Outlook and wait for sync, the next appointment will do the same.  Has anyone seen this behaviour?
Jens Skov
19 Oct 2020 | 12:00 AM
SuperOffice add-ons

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Hi Samuel, Thank you for your suggestion. This works smoothly - all SuperOffice reminders are now without sound on my PC.
by Susan Laugaard Hansen
26 Sep 2024 | 10:45 AM