List of Virtual fields in SearchEngine


Hi guys


For years i've been frustrated everytime i needed to use the so-called "Virtual fields" in searchengine - the only "documentation" i can find about this, is this blog post:

It briefly mentions a couple, such as fullnameemailAddress, and direct/formattedNumber.

Yet the post implies there are others.... Where can i find a list of these???

It would save me so much time and guesswork if someone could point me in the direction of some documentation on these fields, and preferably all of them!


Thanks in advance.


19 Aug 2024 | 09:37 AM

All Replies (5)

Hi Dennis,

Archive provider columns...

Consider, instead of using SearchEngine, using ArchiveProviders directly...

NSArchiveRestrictionInfo[] restrictions;
NSArchiveRestrictionInfo res1;
res1.SetValues(String("Dennis Aagaard Mortensgaard").split(","));

NSArchiveOrderByInfo[] order;
String[] entities = String("person").split(",");

Integer pageSize = 250;

NSArchiveAgent archiveAgent;
NSArchiveListItem[] rows = archiveAgent.GetArchiveListByColumns("SimplePerson", String("personId,fullName,email/emailAddress").split(","), order, restrictions, entities, 0, pageSize);

foreach (NSArchiveListItem row in rows) {
  Map rowData = row.GetColumnData();
  String person_personId = rowData.get("personId");
  String person_fullName = rowData.get("fullName");
  String person_emailAddress = rowData.get("email/emailAddress");
  printLine(person_personId + ": " + person_fullName + " => " + person_emailAddress);

Best regards.

19 Aug 2024 | 11:16 AM

Hi Dennis,

just to reply to your question, although I guess we should start looking into the Archive Provider as Tony says, I have accumulated a list of virtual fields based on the eJournal => Customer Service conversion we had to do some few years back, it might be incomplete - but should cover the most used fields:

eJournal Service
Email Email.email_id
cust_email.cust_id Email.person_id Email.email_address
cust_email.dbi_agent_id Email.dbi_agent_id
cust_email.internal_rank Email.rank
Person person.person_id
customer.display_name person.fullName
customer.firstname person.firstname
customer.lastname person.lastname
customer.username person.(user_candidate->person_id).secret_key
customer.password person.(user_candidate->person_id).secret_value
customer.display_email person.emailAddress
customer.cellphone_searchable person.contact_id
customer.deleted person.retired
customer.our_contact person.supportAssociateId.ejuserId
customer.language person.supportLanguageId
customer.priority_id person.ticketPriorityId
customer.note person.infoText
customer.deleted person.retired
customer.block_spm person.nomailing
customer.block_ejspm person.nomailing
customer.dbi_agent_id person.dbi_agent_id
customer.dbi_key person.dbi_key
customer.dbi_last_syncronized person.dbi_last_syncronized
customer.dbi_last_modified person.dbi_last_modified
Contact contact.contact_id
cust_company.note contact.infoText
company_domain.domain_name contact.(company_domain->company_id).domain_name
cust_company.domain contact.(company_domain->company_id).domain_name
cust_company.fax contact.fax/formattedNumber
cust_company.adr contact.address/formattedAddress
cust_company.priority_id contact.ticketPriorityId
cust_company.deleted contact.deleted
cust_company.our_contact contact.supportAssociateId.ejuserId
cust_company.prim_contact contact.supportPersonId
cust_company.priority_id contact.ticketPriorityId
cust_company.dbi_agent_id contact.dbi_agent_id
cust_company.dbi_key contact.dbi_key
cust_company.dbi_last_syncronized contact.dbi_last_syncronized
cust_company.dbi_last_modified contact.dbi_last_modified
24 Aug 2024 | 08:53 AM

Hello Dennis, 

I'm not sure if it completely answers your question (and you already have gotten very nice feedback from both Tony and Simen), but you could also go through the API to get available fields/columns. 
Take a look at our Custom objects search documentation.

To build on Tonys example for SimplePerson:

POST {{api_url}}/v1/Agents/Archive/GetAvailableColumns?$select=name HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Type: application/json

  "ProviderName": "SimplePerson",
  "Columns": ""

This should return a good idea of what columns you have available for that Provider, and would make it easy to work with `GetArchiveListByColumns`


26 Aug 2024 | 07:01 AM

Virtual fields declared with in the CDD/database model:

Contact Virtual field containing the direct phone formatted number
contact.fax/formattedNumber Virtual field containing the fax formatted number
contact.address/formattedAddress Virtual field containing the address formatted without new lines
contact.address/formattedMultiLineAddress Virtual field containing the address formatted with line breaks
contact.address/line1 Virtual field containing line 1 of the addres
contact.address/line2 Virtual field containing line 2 of the address
contact.address/city Virtual field containing city of the address
contact.address/zip Virtual field containing zip code of the address
contact.infoText Virtual field containing the note
contact.emailAddress Virtual field containing the primary email address for the contact
person.fullName Virtual field containing the full name of the person
person.emailAddress Virtual field containing the primary email address for the person Virtual field containing the direct phone formatted number Virtual field containing the mobile formatted number Virtual field containing the best formatted number for the person
person.infoText Virtual field containing the note
person.searchPhone/formattedNumber Virtual field used for searching phone number


But like Tony said, there is a reason these are set using 'legacy' flags in the database model. You should be using the default archive provider if possible, and if they dont fit your needs, use the Dynamic archive provider since then you have the full advantage of the dot syntax (CRMScript searchgine doesnt support all of it, like the [ ] notation to force join tables).


26 Aug 2024 | 01:06 PM

Thank you :)

29 Aug 2024 | 08:12 AM

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