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  • Hi Fabrice, Generally speaking, if a script is taking too long to complete then it's probably because the script is trying to do much more than what the CRMScript engine was designed for. CRMScript best practices | SuperOffice Docs There is too little information in the OP to better understand what task(s) the script is written to complete, but unless there is something wrong - like highly unoptimized code, then this is generally an indicator that the intended work would be best written as a custom application that leverages webhooks, etc. Best regards.  

    25 Jul 2024 | 10:50 AM
  • Hi Camilla, In this case you will to base your Search on the Extra Table/Custom Object directly and now use search contact. You need to use Find "NPS" instead and then you can have multiple results from the same contact.  Remember to check this setting in the table properties for your Extra Table:  

    23 Jul 2024 | 02:51 PM
  • show in find will explicitly show the table on the Find menu, along the standard entities, like companies, persons +++ If you remove show in find you're still able to find the table on 'settings\custom objects' if you hide it will also not be listed on 'settings\custom objects' hope that helps ;)

    15 Jul 2024 | 05:14 AM

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  • Samuel Holmström Core CRM features 06/05/2024 mode_comment 158
  • Margrethe Romnes Sales management 05/03/2024 mode_comment 53
  • Mikael Månsson Custom Objects 07/23/2024 mode_comment 49

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